Rant Blog [24/06/2010]
With the news of the “emergency budget” [what I call the “We’ve fucked up so we’re going to sort it out by taking the money from you innocent people” budget] coming out this week, it seems like hard times are ahead for England, with many more budgets that will be made in the future probably taking away yet more money from us due to the Conservatives being in charge. VAT going up from 17.5% to 20% on 4th January 2011, public sector job wages being frozen for 2 years plus many more things that will take money away from us [including lone parents having to have a job once their youngest child is in school] it doesn’t look good for the future ahead.
Saving money? I know, sack the idiots in parliament, half of them need shooting anyway, you can save a hell of a lot of money that way. Liverpool Council has been told they have to cut spending by 25%. I don’t know about you but cutting spending, losing jobs and rising prices won’t get us out of debt, it’ll make it worse. People won’t work for less to pay more. You can’t spend your way out of this problem. What if you kept everything as it is and lower the prices? That way people will be happy and buy more and more sales equal more money coming in.
I can see people soon not being able to live. Yet we still allow these illegal immigrants in who we pay for to live through taxes, we pay for their cars, houses, food, drink and everything else and they pay jack shit! Kick them out for fuck sake... Don’t go offering Afghanistan £200m to improve their police and security either, improve our fucking police and security first! It’s our money, we should get priority! Our police are fucking terrible.
In other news, Americans are still working themselves up about the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, as far as to see a woman crying over her baby’s future saying shit like “Oh no, it will affect her in so many ways, her future is ruined, she won’t have a life” blah blah.. Woman, with an IQ of no higher than 20, get a fucking life! It’s not the end of the world. A politician [or what seemed to be one] was moaning saying “oh we’re dyin’ down here, we need all the help we can get, please save us”, once again American, get a life and shut the fuck up... Yet another reason to hate those brainless American bastards...
I’ll throw in a word about North Korea [just because I can], what the hell is wrong with their leader [I call him that because that’s what he basically is]? He is a maniac and crazy as fuck. He let’s off one bomb and half of the world is wiped out in an instant, we’re in a war over “Weapons of Mass Destruction” [Ok, that’s the Americans cover up, it’s actually oil] but the only place they are in is North Korea. The people living there only have 1 TV channel which is heavily dictated by their “leader”. If you leave North Korea, you’re shot [along with your whole bloodline]. If you travel their on holiday, you go to a camp with actors and not the real place.
In the North Korea football team, only the striker has a mobile phone. The North Korea team are made up with the TV too... They’ve never had so much choice, even though they can’t understand a word, they’re in love with it.
If you look on Google maps, they don’t have town names either, just where the “leader’s” home is... Just thought you’d like to know lmao!
On to more stuff, we get told to not pollute the planet by these green peace people and eco happy dudes and girls... How about we do pollute a bit and we can make this planet warmer... -20 in places in England over the winter, snow basically put the country to a halt and if we heat the planet, this will no longer be a problem. If the ice caps melt then at least we have more water and we won’t be in drought and so we won’t have to worry about lack of water for quite a while, although port cities could be drowned and covered in water [another reason to kick the illegal immigrants away].
They say use hydro cars but come on, they are slow and the only noise you hear from a Toyota Prius when it comes past is ‘mmmmmmmmmGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYmmm’. At least in petrol cars we can get to where we want to go quicker...
Just a quick mention to the guys and girls in Afghanistan... 4 more died last night and surely it’s time for us to come home and leave America to it... =/
Also, a big COME ON ENGLAND! Who have a date with the Krauts on Sunday... Bring them on! If we beat them, we could possibly play Argentina then Portugal/Spain [depending on who finishes where] and then Spain/Brazil [again depending on group table finishes for them]. COME ON!
Next week: The week in general [News and shit].