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Wednesday 16 June 2010

David Cameron Rant

Rant Blog: [16/06/2010]

David Cameron:

David Cameron... First word that comes to my head is ‘prick’. Leader of the Conservative party and now the Prime Minister of England. 1980’s England is just around the corner with the budget out next week. We all know what that means, job losses and price rises. Does this prick now how to get out of this recession? If so, he is not showing it. You don’t spend to get us out of this; you work to get out of this. Spending less and having fewer jobs is just asking for trouble, keep the jobs and keep prices as they are. It costs too much as it is and if I hear the excuse “to get us out of the mess LABOUR put us in” again, I’ll shoot a Cow. It wasn’t Labour who got us into this, it was the banks! Lending and spending money they never had. This is what I don’t get, we have this debt where we spent money we haven’t got, but how do we pay this debt back? Here you go thin air, here is £300 trillion, have fun. It’s probably going into Cameron and his bitches back pockets knowing in our luck.

Thatcher was back at number 10 last week, showing the nation that yes she is still alive [unfortunately]. Cameron [her bitch] was at her side. If there was ever an opportunity for a sniper to take out 2 idiots, it was then. I don’t wish death upon anyone, but if Cameron stays in, we’ll basically be working towards death.

Why can I see riots kicking off next week when this budget is out? Petrol and Diesel are bound to go up in price (as usual), food & drink will go up, alcohol will fly up, house prices will go up and many other things will presumably go up and jobs will be set to lower. The jobs we do have will probably be given to foreigners as they always have priority (but I’ve mentioned a lot of this in my Political Correctness rant a few weeks back [link on the right]). This government wouldn’t do anything to disturb them or hinder them because they don’t want to be considered racists, forgetting this is England!

I can only think of one good thing with Cameron, when he said the England flag (not Union Jack!) will fly above Downing Street on England match days, reiterating that we should be flying the flag as this is our country and we should be proud.

The Conservative party (from what I’ve heard on the news) is full of snobby bastards, 90% or so of the party having been to Cambridge or Oxford.

Cameron also said that £200m would be taken from existing budgets and given to Afghanistan to improve its police and civil service capacity in able for them to handle their own security. I know, get that £200m and improve OUR police. The police at the moment are shit and never do anything on gangs and, instead, target people in small groups of 2 or 3... Never big gangs of 10 or so people because they are shit scared I reckon.

Jobs are being cut in the NHS, police and fire brigade to save money, I know, how about all these money robbing politicians? Who claimed all that money in the tax scandal? If we done that, we’d be arrested, fined and put in prison, they’ve done it and they’ve got a slap on the wrist.

David Cameron’s tagline: Steal from the poor and give to the rich; and if the poor don’t give enough, then send the repo men around... Pathetic times and I hope Cameron gets kidnapped. When he was in Afghanistan, the helicopter had a missile attack on them (it failed, but still) and all I can say is “damn, it missed”. Maybe that’s being harsh, I feel sorry for the real workers on that helicopter who fight every day unlike Cameron who has never worked a hard day in his life and doesn’t know what real work is.

Why are we still in Afghanistan? 298 deaths up to now since 2001 and we’re still being mugs over there. If Barack Obama wants to boast that his Military is “the greatest Military in the world” then let him fight America’s own war. Oh wait, you can’t, that’s why you asked us to help you, because you’re army is piss poor. The USA is an embarrassment to the world and to themselves.

He wants to put VAT up to 20% too, which means, on average, families will lose £500 per year. He is also putting University prices up because the current scheme is “unsupportable” and can’t carry on... What a load of crap.

All this excitement of seeing Switzerland beating Spain [at time of making this xD] has knocked all my enthusiasm out of this... All I can say now is Cameron is a prick and is Thatcher’s bitch and this country will probably end up going into riots... Time to see if this World Cup will pick up and be better than it has been...

Next week: Economy.

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