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Thursday 24 March 2011

'England, oh England' blog

Rant Blog: [24/3/2011]
‘England, oh England’ Blog
Firstly, I know it has been over two months since I last posted a blog but I’ve had other stuff to do. I will try to do this more often but, just like when I’ve said this many other times, I’m not promising that. Anyway, whilst I’m here onto this week’s [or more like this month’s, knowing in me] blog...

What a week it has been if you’re an England fan. John Terry, yeah you know the name, is the permanent England captain. Me, and others, have quite a bit of gripe with this. Firstly, why? What has John Terry done that has made him deserved of this title? He is a back stabbing, cheeky, annoying bastard, to put it politely.

Now, I may be biased by saying I want Steven Gerrard to be, but my reasons for this aren’t because I support Liverpool. The reasons for this are that he is a true leader, something we really lack in the England squad, and doesn’t go to the press and backstab his team mates.

Let us go back to the World Cup last year in South Africa and remember [painfully] after the game against Algeria where we drew 0-0. A certain Mr John Terry came out to the press, he weren’t even captain nor vice captain, and said nine players had huddled in a corner and spoke about how bad the team were and said that they thought the management of the team was awful, he said this to the world’s press.

There are a few problems I have with this:
1) These allegations were completely false; the players accused came out and said they were speaking about how their performances hadn’t been good and how they can improve, none of what John Terry had said.
2) Why would you reveal this to the world’s press anyway? If it was that bad, talk to them yourself and keep it in-house, don’t reveal it to the press and other countries.

A few days ago, when Terry was handed over the armband, he came out and said he was sorry about what he had done several months ago but said he would do that again but not to the press, which leaves you to wonder who he’d say it to then, Wayne Bridge’s girlfriend?

That is another problem with him, going out with Bridge’s girlfriend [at the time, I don’t think they’re still together after that are they? If anyone can correct me on this, it would be good]. Now why cheat on your wife? What is that going to gain you, other than a bit of sex and then the whole world and its wife rains down on you in the press. Wayne Bridge then decided to temporarily retire whilst John Terry was still playing for England.

Now, I’m not saying Wayne Bridge is better than John Terry, but I’d rather he be in the England team than Terry. I hope John Terry never ever players for England again, never mind being the captain. After everything he has done, he does not deserve the privilege of representing our country.

That also reminds me of another story from the World Cup of him and Frank Lampard having a go at Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher over the captain’s armband. The tensions built between the two groups as it seems Terry was jealous about Gerrard being captain and Lampard was probably gutted he was only vice-captain. They should remember they’re a select few of 23 players representing their country at a World Cup, they should be proud, not taking it for granted.

One final piece about John Terry was about what he said in the paper, namely the Daily Mirror, yesterday and I quote: “He was wrong to sack me”. What, wrong to sack you? If it were me, I’d have kicked you out the team and you’d have never been seen again. Just for that, Capello should take the armband off him. What is Terry trying to say? That none of the other team can lead a team? Absolute nonsense! John Terry is a disgrace and I hope this backfires on him so much.

Just a quick note about the England team, it has been reported that Frank Lampard will be dropped from the first team for the first time in seven years. It seems like this “London mafia” of players are finally being put in order. I’ve always said to drop Lampard anyway as he is greedy and is not better than Gerrard, both of whom can’t play together. Get a five man midfield with Gerrard and Wilshere in the middle, with Barry playing behind them, protecting the back four. That way, both Gerrard and Wilshere can get forward whilst Barry protects the back.

Moving on from John Terry and onto the subject about what channels England should be shown on. I saw the adverts for Sky Sports showing they’re broadcasting the Wales vs England game on their channel. Now there is a problem with this, why?

I’m sure everyone knows of the prices for the Sky Sports package, most will get it if they have Sky TV but it isn’t cheap, and if you have Virgin Media, it isn’t any cheaper, £20 more per month if you want the Sky Sports package with Virgin Media.

Why are all England games not on terrestrial TV [a.k.a. the free channels]? Why are they on pay-per-view TV? This should be a protected sports program so the whole nation can see their football team represent them, no matter how big or small the nation they’re playing are.

All England games should be kept on either the BBC channels [like they used to be] or ITV, who have the rights to all England home games. It really is disgusting that you have to pay more for something that should be free, give me back my country’s team on normal TV! They better not expect me to pay more for it on TV either, I’d rather use streams. Going to the match is not cheap either, but that is another discussion about ticket prices which I’ve covered once before so I won’t go on about it again despite the disgusting prices for tickets to Wembley for the UEFA Champions League final.

FIFA tried to make England [and other countries who broadcast the World Cup and EURO competitions on free TV] broadcast the two competitions mentioned on pay-per-view TV, other than their own nation’s games which, they say, can stay on “free TV”. Oh, how nice of them.

Now what gives them the right to say they plan on what we do with our TV? I suppose it’s so they can get more money to line their pockets. The European courts quickly dismissed this as “absurd” [and rightly so] and said this would be an illegal move by FIFA.

Finally, I hope Mr Anti-England, Sepp Blatter, doesn’t get another 4 years in control of FIFA. He and the rest of them are corrupt and should leave as soon as possible. I also hope the Qatar candidate, Mohamed Bin Hammam does not get it either, he wants more international friendly matches during the year to improve the national game and improve finances for FIFA.
a) As if we haven’t got enough international games through the year to distract from domestic campaigns.
b) This just proves he is as greedy as the rest of them as far as finances are concerned, FIFA don’t fund anything other than their own offices so what do they need money for?

I hope the American journalist, Grant Wahl, gets the job as he seems the best candidate and has promised a complete overhaul of FIFA, including a investigation to all bid campaigns to host World Cups to see if anything “suspicious” was going on, he also will bring in goal-line technology something he, and I, say is needed.

He also wants to abolish the quota for referees being at the World Cup, saying that having only 1 referee from each country at maximum is ridiculous and means more “amateur” refs have to be chosen to fill in the gaps, which is true.

He also wants to scrap yellow cards for celebrations when scoring, which was a ridiculous rule in the first place. Finally he will appoint a woman as FIFA general secretary. He has said FIFA needs a “wiki leaks” type clean out of documents to show what has gone on.

He also believes that Bin Hammam's candidacy would change little, arguing that the Qatari is a Fifa insider.

Anyway, that is my blog for this week [month], I hope you enjoyed it. No idea when my next blog will be, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Saturday 15 January 2011

New Year! Old Blog!

Rant Blog: [15/1/2011]
‘New Year! Old Blog!’ Blog
Yes, yes Happy New Year and all the rest of the crap people say after that. People making the same promises they broke last year, people thinking this year will be much better than last year but then realising by the end of January that it is actually still as shit as it was last year and then hoping for 2012, which will be the same case as I’ve just mentioned. Anyway, to this year’s, I mean week’s blog...

So then, 2010... What happened, apart from fuck all?
Well, England was humiliated... Not once, not twice, but three times! First, we humiliated by ourselves in the World Cup, then we were humiliated by two linesman about balls crossing the line, the first where the ball did go over the line against Germany and the second where the ball did not go over the line for Hungary but was allowed anyway. Finally, we were humiliated by the French... In our own back garden... So much for sport. At least we won the Ashes.

The Conservatives won the general election [helped by the Liberal Democrats turning into their bitches] and now the country is going downhill, doing too much too fast, basically trying to run before we can walk and then backstabbed by the Lib Democrats on the tuition fees vote. So much for politics, England humiliated again...

Not a good year for England, but whenever is it? Moving on from England and I am now going to take the piss, for fun, and do my own awards ceremony, cringe if you must.

The “I am an idiot” award:
This award is for, as it says, the idiot of the year for any reasons. So many candidates for this one, including John Terry, Rafa Benitez, Tom Hicks and George Gillett and all the people involved with EA [Electronic Arts] Inc.

I was close to saying EA for this one, their idea of making you pay £40 for a game filled with bugs, some game-breaking, some just annoying, yet people still thought it was the best football game ever, far from. Plus, they have brought out this “EA Pass” for all of their games, basically making their games void online if they’re second hand unless you’re willing to hand over another £5 to get a new code.

Just then, though, I thought fuck it, John Terry wins this one because he, and not Fabio Capello, pissed up the World Cup, by making up rumours that there was disruptions in the camp with nine players after the draw against Algeria and then thinking he was still captain and taking on the press conference bringing out these made up rumours, and then him and Lampard having a go at Gerrard and Carragher over who should be captain, it just makes him easily the winner of this award.

The “I would like your money now, please” award:
This award is for the people that have gone for something simply because of the money and not the public interest. The candidates for this are Hicks and Gillett [again], EA [again] and Qatar [aga.. Oh wait; I haven’t been bribed, yet...].

I was thinking H&G for this because of their obvious milking of Liverpool FC, but then things turned out ok at the end of three years and a Spanish waiter who’s line up [and food menu] changed weekly.

The winner of this, though, has to be Qatar [and to some extent Russia] with their obvious bribing of FIFA to bring one of the biggest competitions in the world to a country which is half the size of Wales and a population 5x smaller than London. A country which doesn’t care about the sport [as proven by their current national team in the Asian Cup at the moment where 8 of the 11 players playing against China were African and 1 of them was even Uruguayan] has been given this tournament and not even one of their stadiums is built. How are they going to house 31 other nations [as well as their own, if they have one], the press [especially England’s ever-growing press], the sponsors, FIFA and, most importantly, the fans? On a final note, before I ramble on too much is, did they bid for the women’s World Cup? I wonder...

“Twat of the year” award:
This award is for exactly what it says on the tin. So many for candidates for this award which include America, the Islam extremists [don’t come to me moaning about racial hate, I’m allowed, freedom of speech, so put your bayonets away] and David Cameron.

As this award isn’t real, I can split it into three, so they all win this award.

Firstly, America because of their blind arrogance that they think they’re God’s gift and that they’re never done bad things. Wikileaks revealing that the American’s thought we’d never take Helmand in Afghanistan, although we did, and Barack Obama saying America has the best army in the world, despite asking for our help in every war they’ve ever been to and also, America have never won a war that they have started or were involved in from the start, apart from one war which they won... And lost technically, the war against themselves, the north vs south. Otherwise, they’ve been done over by the Cubans, the Vietnamese and even Iraq and Afghanistan. If they’re so good, why is a country that big always begging for help from a country the size of Britain? Tells you the whole story.

Secondly, the Islam extremists [need I say more] bombing places, threatening war, putting posters up about “the evils of Christmas” [yet forgetting the evils of the beliefs [not religion] they fight so hard for] and the general idiocy of their own beliefs.

Finally, Cameron just because, as mentioned above, he is pushing this country too far too fast, making big cuts too quick, there won’t be a country soon the way this is going on and I can see 2011 being a big year for the people vs politics [not like I’m an expert or anything, I just think this] because of petrol prices going up again in April [after the VAT rise we’ve just had pushing the price up], NHS funding being cut, tuition fees and other stuff taking it’s toll.

The “I am blonde” award:
The award given simply for being blonde, the candidates are Johanna, Johanna and Johanna.

The winner is this woman trying to park her car [not from 2010, but oh well]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTKFaBvW6oc [advised to mute the video, bad music].

The “funniest moment of the year” award:
This is for exactly what it says, the funniest moment of the year. The candidates are me [I had to be in here somewhere, not because I was funny but because something happened to me which was funny], Tymoshchuk and Olic, and Landon Donovan.

I want this award just because, back in January of last year, I fell on my arse outside subway in town and slid down the hill and stopped at the railing next to the road, much to the amusement of everyone else.

The “I hope I don’t get caught” award:
Only one candidate and, therefore, winner for this award and it has to be the German manager, Joachim Löw, who was caught picking his nose on camera at the World Cup, despite his best attempts at disguising what he was doing.

“The best moment of the year” award:
Awarded for, ofcourse, the best moment of the year and the candidates for this are Rafa Benitez and, later H&G, leaving Liverpool, a student that was on my college course falling on his arse on camera [thanks to me] and well that’s it really, has to be one of them two.

The winner is the both of them, as both of them have their positive moments, Rafa leaving after 6 years and utter disappointment for the main part of it [I have an earlier blog about it so I digress about it now]and H&G going and a classmate falling over on camera was the funniest thing I’ve ever saw for myself and, if I ever get the chance to put that on YouTube, it will be on their quicker than Wayne Rooney chasing your Nan.

Finally, “the worst moment of the year” award:
Another obvious award, the candidates being the England team, FIFA and the World Cup voting, and the Conservatives winning the general election, I have other things but I don’t want to them on here as people may moan they’re personal to me and them and all that kind of nonsense.

The winner for this has to be the scandalous FIFA voting process after Russia and Qatar, somehow, won the vote to host the World Cup in 2018 and 2022. Firstly, we’d be going to a World Cup in one of the coldest countries in the world which has a below standard transport system, which is very bad for a country of that size, and a country who’s president didn’t bother turning up at the voting, instead deciding to stay home and not even bothering to look at the result, sounds a bit weird if you ask me, and then, for the next World Cup, you come to the other end of the scale, Qatar, who’s country [as mentioned above] is half the size of Wales and has 5x less the population of London, which has no stadiums for the World Cup yet, has basically used this chance to bribe their way to it and saying “we’re giving countries money to improve this and that” is basically a way of bribing if you ask me.

A list of how they won it is on here:

Both are corrupt countries full of oil and the sooner we find newer and better ways of producing resources, the quicker we can tell these countries where to go.

The World Cup is about a country having already developed their country to the standard that they deserve to host football’s biggest tournament, not a toy you can use to help a country develop, that’s madness. The quicker FIFA is disbanded or changed to a better, more fair, company, the better, and the voting system must change so we can see what is going on.

That’s your lot for now but my next blog is on Monday. If you have any other awards you want me to give out, please ask me. If you’re offended/angry about something above, oh well, it’s my blog, get over it, freedom of speech.

Hope you enjoyed my first of many [I hope] blogs in 2011.

Sunday 14 November 2010

‘Where Have You Been And What Are You On About’ Blog

Rant Blog: [14/11/2010]
‘Where Have You Been And What Are You On About’ Blog
I start this blog by saying sorry for not putting one up for a while, I’ve been moaned at by a few people for basically being lazy for not putting one up, which is actually true [bar the fact I had my birthday, I had another birthday to do and I had to plan for a pitch for college], nonetheless the blog is back. I also start by saying what I post below is what I think and feel and, although you may not agree [which is, ofcourse, your right to disagree but it is not right to dismiss an opinion and say it is wrong, as I was being told I was wrong, despite the fact opinions can never be wrong], I won’t change my views unless I have a valid reason to, reasons like “you’re a racist”, “you’re an idiot”, “you’re a secret BNP follower” (which I’m not) and other things of this nature won’t be deemed valid. Proper reasons please. Read on with care. Anyway, moving onto this week’s blog.

I start by clearing a few things up about last Thursday’s events and what I said, and, according to some people, secretly meant but were not in the slightest way true. I’m sure we all heard what happened on Thursday, it was Remembrance Day for Britain, a day where the nation remembers those soldiers who have died in past wars, most notable World War I which officially ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (11th November this year), and at 11am every year on this day, a 2 minute silence occurs to honour the memories of these soldiers. All was good and well, until a group of Muslim Islamic extremists decided to gatecrash the event, burn poppies and chant “British soldiers, burn in hell”. In England, we use poppies as a symbol of remembrance for the soldiers; they often appear on people’s coats, jackets and other pieces of clothing and can appear on other types of objects. They burnt these during the silence, something I am hugely annoyed over in all honesty.

I’ll tell you why I’m annoyed, I’m annoyed because, a few months back, a priest in America was declaring a “Burn a Koran” day on the 11th September [the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks ofcourse] and everyone was basically jumping out of windows to stop him from doing it, yet these extremists come along and the police just stand by and journalists get right up to them and start taking photos and filming them instead of trying to stop them, they just got left to do what they want. Why?! This just makes us look even softer than we are, and I don’t think this country can get any softer at the moment in all honesty, it makes them think they can get away with anything, which is completely wrong. We need to make a stand against these people, send in the police, full force, and kick their arses for disrespecting a country they chose to live in. They bum off our benefits, getting money for free, get free health care, free houses, free electric and gas, all sorts of free stuff, which us [the tax payer] pays for, yet they still disrespect us. Strip them of what they have and let them work on their own again or, even better, kick them out the country. If we done this in their country, we’d have our balls and hands chopped off, let’s not forget they have Sharia law there [a ridiculous law]. They wouldn’t be lenient with us so let’s not be lenient with them.

To me, the poppy means more than the bible, which means them burning the poppy is like me burning the Koran to them, why do you think I say burn the Koran? The poppy is the reminder of who fought for our freedom, religion has done nothing for us, and soldiers have. If religion has done something for us, then please tell me and prove your point [points that include stuff like “God invented the earth”, “Jesus died for us”, “God created us” etc are all invalid as they haven’t been proven]. The poppy is basically a bible in its own way. Now imagine if I burnt the Koran in their country, I’d be shot at dawn, let’s not be lenient with them!

Also, I hate the word “racist” being thrown about like confetti; let’s break the word ‘racism’ down. It’s, basically, saying that I’m being offensive to another race. Well wait, for starters they’re not a different race, they’re humans [despite how idiotic they are and how much of a disgrace they are to the human race]. They’re a different religion, so shouldn’t I be called “religist” more?
It was said on the news today [BBC Radio 2 News] that we can’t win the war against terrorism through conflict, so expect these extremist attacks to keep happening for the next 30 years and we should try and limit them as much as possible [no shit to the last part!], I know, stop these ‘extremists’ coming into the country, stop them getting benefits if they’re able to come into the country, don’t give them “freebies”, make them work for it.

One last word of note on this, I’m not saying ‘all’ Muslims are the same, ofcourse they’re not, I’m saying Muslims as they’re Muslims. It’s like when people accuse catholic priests of being paedophiles, that doesn’t imply ‘all’ catholic priests, are paedophiles, but some are, and they’re the ones who get all the headlines!

Just a quick point on Uncle Woy, I still think he should be kept in the job, as trying to turn Liverpool back into a force in 4 months and 1 transfer window was never going to happen, let’s not forget that 90%+ of this team were Rafa’s buys, so he is trying to put together a team which isn’t his [a bit like what Rafa was doing in 2004/05] and it takes time. Rafa got given all the support he wanted last season [despite some abysmal results including losing to Wigan [away], Sunderland [away], Aston Villa [home], Fulham [away and managed, funnily enough, by Roy!] and money-troubled Portsmouth [away]], why not support Roy? Pathetic from ‘so called’ fans (I remember the abuse I got for not supporting Rafa, but now I’m being abused for supporting a manager), and especially from a fan base who have always supported their managers through thick and thin. Wasn’t so long back when people thought he was the right man after all after beating Chelsea 2-0, then only to jump back on the “sack Roy” wagon a week later. Give him time; he won’t do worse than Rafa did last year.

The blog [hopefully] will be back, weekly, from now on. The opinions above are my own and, as they’re opinions, they cannot be wrong. I’m not racist either; I’d rather be considered patriotic, which I am [hopefully]. Comments below are appreciated and, don’t forget, your comment won’t post straight away below, I moderate them all first, so, if it doesn’t come up [which it won’t straightaway], don’t worry, it is fine. Abusive comments [towards me and others in a harmful nature] will not be allowed and therefore not posted. Thanks.

Thursday 14 October 2010

No Name Blog

Rant Blog: [14/10/2010]
No Name Blog
Time for this week’s blog, I’m tired but I’ll stroll on regardless after such a cracking day in college. I usually have something to explain or to talk about quickly in the intro part but not this week, so onto this week’s blog.

Well to start with the obvious, it seems like Liverpool’s sale to NESV will go ahead after all, after two court hearings in the space of 3 days. I mentioned last week about the takeover and a lot has happened in the last few days, after it was announced that the NESV offer had been accepted, twit and twat weren’t going to have any of it and so they took it to court because the offer “undermined” the value of the club. How much were they expecting to get for a team who finished 7th in the league last season and is 18th in the league this year? Oh wait, in the region of £600m actually. They were also, presumably, fuming because they were/are about to make no profit from the sale whatsoever. They took it to court after Hicks tried to change the board just a few minutes before the meeting with NESV, in an ‘RBS [Royal Bank of Scotland] and Liverpool FC board vs Hicks and Gillet’ battle royal! Ofcourse, they [H&G] were going to lose this case as they’re not allowed to change any of the board, only Broughton can do that, and as soon as he said he had that on paper, they had no leg to stand on in that court case.

With that down the drain, they went to Texas to get an injunction on the sale of the club there, the court gave it and it begs the question: “What authority do they have on granting requests on an English asset? Especially one as huge as Liverpool FC”. They were never going to beat the high court in England anyway and the American’s have until 4pm tomorrow to comply with the selling of Liverpool FC.

Once again, I raise the question on whether or not England should start Wayne Rooney. I reckon they shouldn’t as his heart doesn’t seem to be in it for England. Also, Rio Ferdinand should not be captain as his performance against Montenegro the other night was no better than average and he never played or acted like a captain, failing to inspire any confidence or urge into the team, instead he sat at the back fiddling with his fat bottom lip. Surely Capello sees that Steven Gerrard should be captain as he made that game his own and controlled the game from midfield, carving out chances for the strikers.

Anyway, moving on from football [as I’m actually tired of hearing about it this week (but, ofcourse, you can comment about it below)], two new [awesome] demo’s have came out in the last week on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 [PSN and Xbox Live respectively]. The first being Star Wars: Force Unleashed II and, having just played the demo today, I can honestly say it’s a brilliant game with fantastic graphics and hugely impressive combat fighting [dual sabers being a fantastic addition]. The second being Dragonball: Raging Blast 2 being the second, with brilliant graphics for an anime game and brilliant combat moves, really addictive, just a shame only 4 characters can be chosen [the final game will have 90], 2 arenas can be chosen in the demo [the full game having 13 arenas] and the final game will have a new, reanimated, 30 minute movie.

Also, it’s great news to hear that the 33 Chilean miners have been lifted out of that mining hole. 17 days passed without them being noticed and then they had to spend another 52 days before anyone could be managed to be lifted out [69 days in total before the first person was lifted out]. Only one question, are they going to be paid overtime?

Not much really to speak about this week. I know Liverpool’s takeover and the Chile miners are big news but I’m not going to rattle on about stuff which people keep hearing about. Looking forward to seeing Lee Evans Roadrunner tour next year, if George decides to get his arse in gear and book some. Oh and also, comments are now monitored [by me] so if your comment doesn’t appear below, don’t worry, it’ll mean it’s in moderation and I’ll work as quick as I can to put them on the blog’s comment section. Abuse of any kind won’t be tolerated!

Thursday 7 October 2010

Suggestions For The Name Of This Blog Please Blog

Rant Blog: [07/10/2010]
Suggestions For The Name Of This Blog Please Blog
Wow, it seems so long since I last done a blog and I promise it will be back to schedule weekly now, I had personal reasons why there was no blog last week, ranging from my laptop charger dying so I couldn’t use my laptop till I bought a new one, me feeling tired last Thursday night, no Microsoft Word thanks to the reformat of my laptop and even a trip to hospital [weren’t me in there, it was someone else]. It was a pretty fucked week in all honesty, but now times should get better and I can crack on with this weekly. Enough of last week’s crap, let’s move onto this week’s crap.

As you may have noticed, the name of this blog is ‘Suggestions for the Name of This Blog Please Blog’, I say this as I wish for some people to perhaps come up with a name for this blog as I think having a permanent name, instead of the random bullshit headings, would look a lot better, suggestions to the usual places, either the comment section below or to my Facebook page, thanks.

We move on now to the obvious news of the potential takeover of Liverpool, by company New England Sports Venture [NESV], led by self-made millionaire John Henry, purchasing the club for £300m, £200m going towards clearing the club debts. If the NESV deal goes through, Hicks and co-owner George Gillett stand to lose a total of £144m, though, not surprisingly, they have decided to take the case to court as they’re not happy with the deal [due to the lack of profit].

The interesting thing about John Henry is the philosophy he has. He likes using reams of statistics to build a winning team based on the theory that lesser-known players who perform consistently are more important than big-money superstars.

There is one thing that is pissing me off more than Tom & Jerry [Hicks & Gillett] hanging on for dear life at Liverpool, and that is the spokesperson of the Spirit of Shankly group, James McKenna. Whether it be the BBC, Sky Sports News or the Daily Mirror, he’s been there as if he was part of the Anfield boardroom. He is speaking as if he owns the club and makes the decisions and that whatever he demands has to be listened to. It was annoying to hear a woman on the radio yesterday morning stating the new potential owners “must speak to the SoS [Spirit of Shankly] group before making a deal”. No, not at all, he has nothing to do with this and shouldn’t really be poking his nose into stuff, ok be part of it, voice your concern, put banners up about your disgust against the current regime but don’t act like you are god of Liverpool FC, it’s up to the board to get rid of the yanks now, we’ve sent emails to the banks that Hicks tried to get money from, it worked, now we have two potential new buyers let the board make the decision and sit back in peace, it’s not his position to be butting in and telling a self-made millionaire what he must and mustn’t do, he wouldn’t be a self-made millionaire of a successful baseball club if he never knew how to run a business/sports team.

Another thing that is really bothering me about Liverpool is the terrible on-the-pitch performances as well as the ones off it. I will not accept the pathetic excuse that the players will be affected by the board room issues, that’s a crap cover up for players who get paid mega money for what they do. This also says to me that they’re unprofessional, easily distracted and not determined enough. What Uncle Woy should be drilling into them is that this is nothing to do with them and they should be going out on the pitch each week giving 100%, the better the performances on the pitch, the better the investors come in to try and buy the club, would you prefer to buy a club who were amongst the top 4 each season or buy a club in the bottom 3 of the Premier League if you could. Ofcourse it would be the first option. Also, they should be reminded of who they’re playing for, they’re playing for the most decorated club in Britain [forget Rangers, you can’t really boast winning a Scottish Premier League title, it’s a piss poor copper cup league compared to the likes of the Barclays Premier League, the Spanish La Liga and the Italian Serie A] and they should be made to give their all or not be paid, like I’d have done to Mascherano for the way he treated the club.
If we’re to start pushing up the league, we need much better performances week in, week out and they need to be of the highest quality every match and we MUST drop the 4-2-3-1 for the 4-4-2, I mentioned this on a recent blog. We must start by winning the Merseyside derby, if we lose that, then heads will start turning as they already have [Christian Poulsen (a victim of being a very poor performer this season) revealing the whole team is in crisis over recent performances and the board room being as it is].

Moving on from this, I have a question for people, should Jamie Carragher finally take a place on the bench? I don’t mean this as a disrespectful comment towards Carragher, he has served the club tremendously, but every player has his day and Carragher has certainly seen that, being 32 now and not looking a year younger and has had a lot of mixed form, I believe we should start looking to an Agger - Skrtel partnership as the new Hyypia – Hechoz combination [centre back pairing of the year at one point] as they’re young and are very effective and are far quicker than Carragher. Carragher’s lack of pace and speed has been pointed out time and time again with him giving away needless fouls in and around the penalty area. What bugs me most about him is the way he pumps the ball long 90% of the time, why can’t he pass it along the floor instead of pumping it forward and always giving possession away to the opposition. So that’s the question, should we let Carragher have his day and let the younger generation take over?

Tomorrow is the day the new Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 game comes out and, believe me, it’s one million times better than FIFA 11. The UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League both return, as well as the addition of the UEFA Super Cup and the Copa Libertadores [the posh way of saying the South American Champions League]. The game is completely revamped from last year and far different, and will take a lot of getting used to, even to the experienced PES player. If you wish to see any screenshots of the game, either Google them or look at the screenshots I have made myself of the Champions League, player faces and Master League in the link below.

Moving on from sport related things, I was listening to a late night radio phone in [on TalkSPORT [a British radio station]] and it was about 2 or 3 things but mainly the way our army soldiers are treated once they leave the army, and I think it’s disgraceful. During the army, they’re treated like kings and queens, which is how it should be [they’re putting their lives on the line for us] but once they come out the army, they’re left to fend for themselves like animals. When they leave the army [and ex-army soldiers were phoning in the show which confirms this], they’re technically classed as homeless. This means they can’t get benefits, they can’t get a job and they have no home [ofcourse], and having no benefits and/or job[s] means they can’t get money which means they can’t live. They’re forced to stay on friend’s couches and, according to one or two people phoning in, this is truly demoralising as most friends have kids and a wife and a happy family, yet they don’t have a home themselves. One caller said when they did finally get onto the property ladder, they would have had to wait 9-13 years for a home and they were getting no benefits from the council as the council didn’t want to help them. Is this the way we treat our army soldiers? Yet these illegal immigrants who come in get a job, benefits, a house and food all paid for them by us, why not our own? Our own, especially people who fight for our freedom and risk their own lives for us, should be treated much better than they are and be given priority [as all British should] over these immigrants. It is a disgrace to the nation and a disgrace on the government for not allowing the councils to help them.

The next discussion I’d like to bring to the table is the question of whether or not British people have lost their unique sense of humour. This all stems from a Facebook status I had last week which had an old British joke on which read:
‘Why did Hitler cry when he got to Heaven?’
‘God gave him his gas bill.’
Providing Hitler gets to Heaven, ofcourse, but anyway, I see no problem with this joke but I was later informed it was “hurtful against the Jews”, bollocks! It’s an attack against Hitler against what he done, and who wouldn’t want to attack Hitler for what he tried to do [and utterly failed at]? If this was a joke against a British person then no one would be arsed but it’s because it’s against someone else that it is. Imagine this scenario, have a look at this joke.
‘How do you starve a British drug addict?’
‘Hide his food vouchers in his work boots’.

Not offensive, ay? Now, let’s put it this way:
‘How do you starve an immigrant?’
‘Hide his food vouchers in his work boots’.

Now try this:
‘What have sperm and North England’s people got in common?’
‘Only one in one million actually work’.
Now this:
‘What have sperm and immigrants got in common?’
‘Only one in one million actually work’.

The first one would not be considered offensive, but the second one would. Why? Most of the times, jokes tell the truth in a comical way, sometimes it’s a stereotype, sometimes it’s just plainly a joke, would you consider an “Englishman, Irishman, Scottishman” joke to be offensive? I wouldn’t, so why anything else should be considered offensive, I’ll never know. It’s pretty pathetic from the Political Correctness brigade, let us have our Britishness back! It’s what makes us British, our humour.

The government are pissing about again we can see, with David Cameron’s laughable ‘Big Society’ campaign where he is basically telling us to do public sector jobs [Police, NHS [National Health Service], Fireman, even charity work] for free. No thanks, I wouldn’t want to do a full job, which is very hard work, for free. A quote from yesterday’s comedy club, I mean, er, Tory jungle club from Cameron was:
“So that great project in your community — go and lead it. The waste in government — go and find it. The new school in your neighbourhood — go and demand it. The beat meeting on your street — sign up. The neighbourhood group — join up. That business you always dreamed of — start up … Society is not a spectator sport. This is your country. It's time to believe it. It's time to step up and own it.”

We can’t do this, Cameron, as you won’t let us have the money to do it, you’re too busy attacking the poor and protecting the rich to think about this, benefits being cut for the poor and nothing happening against the rich, as we all knew would happen. When he said this, none of is ball licking crew stood up with him and cheered with him for it, the only time they did was when he attacked labour in saying they done a poor job, if that was poor, then he is doing terrible.

Finally this week, the Commonwealth have kicked off in rather comical and seriously bad fashion. Not only was the games started with stadiums which weren’t finished, they were rushing for the two days before the tournament to get them finished, something which, ofcourse, never happened. The opening ceremony was comical as women were falling over and ruining routines [a woman falling off a guys shoulders when he was picking her up was something I was fortunate to see], the opening day of events saw 15,000 seater stadiums only being filled by about 100 people. All through the early hours of yesterday morning, the athletics track had to have its pot holes filled in, which had been created from the opening ceremony in time for the 100m sprint and 5000m race, I’m not talking small pot holes either, I’m talking very big ones. Today, no less than 15 British and Australian swimmers caught the “Delhi Belly” bug, the causes are unknown, and there are moths flying everywhere and the swimming pool was covered in them, these games are going downhill very slowly.

That’s your lot for this week, and it’s been a hell of a lot this week. The blog will be back to a weekly schedule from next week and I still wish to hear suggestions for the name of the blog and suggestions for what you want me to talk about and/or answer. Comments below are welcome. Thanks.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Does My Arse Look Big In This Blog?

Rant Blog: [23/09/2010]
Does My Arse Look Big In This Blog?
Firstly, sorry for the no show last week, I was really ill and weren’t really in the mood for anything other than sleep. Normal service is resumed this week, though, with your usual crap talking, nonsense speaking, non-racist chanting fun! Secondly, onto this week’s blog.

I start this week with a question. What the bloody be-Jesus is going on with Liverpool? A dull 0-0 with Birmingham 2 weeks ago in an absolute disastrous display, followed by a 4-1 win over a pub team at home, followed by a 3-2 bollocking by Howard Webb’s, I mean er, Fergie’s Man Utd, a game in which Man Utd should definitely had at least 1 player sent off, and then humiliated last night by Northampton Town at HOME...

How did John O’Shea not get sent off for Man Utd on his challenge on Torres? He was the last man.. Surely a red card... Also, Nani should’ve been sent off for his persistent, and blatantly fucking obvious, diving. I see Fergie was quick to attack Torres for him trying to get O’Shea sent off but refused to say about Nani’s diving. Nani was a fucking disgrace on that pitch. Why Howard Webb never sent him off I’ll never know. Where did he think he was...? The World Cup final?

Not to be one to miss out on the obvious, what the bloody hell is going on with Fernando Torres? I’m not one to believe in this “he’s had no support” crap, he’s had many times on the ball where you look back on the old Torres and you think “he’d have buried that”, what’s happened now? All of a sudden we’ve been dumped with his fat cousin or something and the real Torres is having a “session” with David Villa at Barcelona or something?

Uncle Woy needs to drop the unworkable 4-2-3-1 and go more attacking, especially at home against teams like West Brom. 4-4-2 will work the trick, drop Lucas and Poulsen and throw Raul Meireles in the middle with Stevie with Ryan Babel up with Torres. Why Babel isn’t getting a look in properly I’ll never know. Another thing is to tell Carragher to stop hitting the ball up long, time and time again I see him do it and we’ve never won the ball nor posed an attacking threat through it... We need the ball on the floor in possession, rather than up long towards our front line who will never, ever get it nor ever look like getting it. Is there anything you don’t like about the way Liverpool play or anything you want to praise them about, comments below.

Moving on to the next part of the countdown of the 2010 World Cup’s Most Shocking Moments, on the last blog we mentioned numbers 50 to 41. They were:
50) Fabio Capello.
49) Holland’s “Dirty” Football.
48) Joachim Low.
47) Diego Maradona [His charismatic side].
46) Theo Walcott.
45) Emanuel Eboue.
44) Ray Domenech.
43) Cristiano Ronaldo.
42) ITV HD.
41) South Africa’s first goal.

I would move on to 40 to 31 but I seem to have lost the list and can’t find it online... It’s a mistake on my behalf and I’ll try and see if I can recover it in the next few days. I reformatted my laptop so I lost everything. Normal service on this will, hopefully, be resumed next week.

We move onto the business of the Muslims again, this week. The bastards are back and, what a surprise, they’re doing something ridiculous again. A religion of PEACE?! Ok, not when you see that a band of them, naming themselves ‘Muslims Against Crusades”, were protesting at the Pope at the weekend. Although I’m not a fan of the Pope, nor the £20m it cost us, the tax payer, [instead of the Church who should’ve took this money from their own pockets] to see him come over here, to attack another religion is ridiculous. Now, no one give me the “Muslim is a peaceful religion”, don’t try and fill my brain with bollocks, I won’t be mind fucked as the Muslims themselves have been. I see past the lies of them bastards and they’re bums just trying to take over the world, yet we know it won’t happen, I’ll have more luck punching Allah and Mohamed in the face than that happening. Chants of “Watch your back Pope Benedict”, “Worship Allah” and “We’ll free the lands of evil” all shout out to me that these are desperate people in a desperate religion which is seeking attention so badly that it is trying to flog a dead donkey as a healthy horse. Islam will soon be like Latin, dead.

I was happy to see that the French government have finally got round to banning the Burka. This is the one and only time I’ll ever envy the French in what they do. This government needs to take note and do the same. We shouldn’t be scared of this as it won’t make us racist, it’ll just tell the world that we’re a catholic/protestant country and we will stick to that. Don’t give me this “We’re a multi cultural country” crap, bollocks to that, we’re Christians and always will be. We really need to take the bull by the horns on this one and ban what I believe to be the ugliest thing created since Victoria Beckham. Ban the fucking thing and be done with it, make us all happy. I have no time for the silly looking thing and refuse to accept that people can wear that in a bank and yet we can’t wear a bike helmet, it’s the same liability, so why the difference? I also always wondered why we can’t have a white man’s award, like the Mobo’s but for white people, and then I remembered that we’d be called racist. Yeah ok.. By the way, remember the guy, the Pastor, who said he’d burn the Koran on 9/11? Yeah.. Well what about the guy who declared an “International Burn An American Flag” day. Link below!

Also, Britain has 17 times MORE Sharia law courts than first thought. 85! That’s 85 more than there should be! Why are we allowing this when we have our OWN law system? They live in this country so they live by OUR rules, not their own.

Finally this week, new laws in driving could mean that people aged 25 and below who pass their test could still be banned from driving at night. Also, they’ll be banned from having people 25 and below in their cars until they have experience of driving. Ridiculous idea, surely the idea would be to learn to drive as we do know or suffer the consequences later. This government needs its priorities sorting out [Kicking out Muslims > Silly Driving Laws].

That’s your lot this week, I’ll try and sort out the countdown thing and see where we get with that next week. Comments below as usual.

“National Burn An American Flag” Day:
http://anjemchoudary.com/ [link a tiny bit down the page]

Britain has 17 times more Sharia Law courts than it thought:

Friday 10 September 2010

“Does this blog make me look fat?” blog

Rant Blog: [10/09/2010]
“Does this blog make me look fat?” blog
Well sorry for not having a blog for over 2 weeks, I’ve been busy sorting out college and other things at home. After seeing the last blog’s [dare I say it] success, I thought I’d bring things back down to earth this week whilst still doing my promised bumper issue to make up for the no show last week. With that being said, let’s move onto this weeks blog.

Firstly this week, after England beat Bulgaria 4-0 and Switzerland 3-1 [showing Spain how it’s done], the media is still on Fabio Capello’s back. Why?! Oh wait, they still haven’t got over the World Cup, that’s why. It’s over, it’s been over for weeks, and even so, it weren’t Mr Cap’s [my new name for him maybe?] fault, it was the “London Mafia’s” fault, namely being John Terry and, partly, Frank Lampard’s fault. Be it from Terry spouting lies to the media about the team after the Algeria game to him and Lampard being jealous of Stevie G for being captain. It was a Lampard and Terry vs Gerrard and Carragher situation, and I know which pair I’d rather have in my team. Moving on from that, Capello has taken the blame for the disappointing campaign, despite it not all being his fault, and yet he still wasn’t respected for that. He has came out in the last week or so saying he will step down after Euro 2012 and an English manager will replace him [English managers tending to be shit... Oh dear]. At the time of him being appointed, he was [and still is] the best coach in the world.

After the Switzerland game, he said that Terry, Lampard and Ferdinand will all have to try extremely well to get back into the team, any other coach would shit themselves and say “oh no, these three have to be in the team”, no, no they don’t. I don’t want any of them three to ever play for England again. Rooney should also be dropped until he wants to play for England and be replaced by Crouch. Milner should be dropped as he is a winger who can’t cross a ball and Joe Cole should start in his place. If we use this philosophy, we can win Euro 2012 [call me hopeful, but our team is far too good not to be considered contenders if we play like we usually do]. If the media don’t stalk the team in tournaments every single minute of the day then we might not flop.

There was discussion of Mikel Arteta potentially playing for England because he has played in England for 5 years and not represented Spain [his nation of birth]. UEFA [mainly Michael Platini, surprise surprise, he hates the English!] were quick to dismiss this saying something like “he never had a British passport when he represented the Spain Youth Team” or something like that. Ok, let’s look at other national teams who have had the same situation and been let off to do it, Portugal with Brazilian born Deco and Germany with Polish born strikers Lukas Podolski and Marislov Klose and Brazilian born Cacau. Discrimination against the English again I feel, anyway, I feel that England would suffer if a non-English player played for them and I want England to remain English with English players as this is the point of your national team, not finding loopholes to have other players in your squad. Manuel Almunia is another player who can potentially play for England but hell no, fuck that, I would never trust him in goal for England. Joe Hart all the way!

Moving on from Mr Caps, I want to say one word to all you fake Spanish supporters: “HAHAHAHAHA!” Simply because you support the Spanish because you claim “you support them because you like them”, no you’re basically supporting them for one/two reason/s. These reasons being either:
a) You want to shag one [or eleven!] of their players. Namely Fernando Torres, Sergio Ramos, Iker Casillas, Bojan, David Villa etc.
b) You’re basically glory hunting, supporting them because they won Euro 2008 and then the World Cup 2010 [which they didn’t deserve].

The poor Spanish were rolled 4-1 by Argentina, showing they're an overrated, average team.

What’s wrong with people supporting their own national team or one of their family? I can’t accept “oh because England disappoints”, didn’t Spain do that every single time before 2008? They were one of the favourites for every tournament they entered and yet failed to produce, just like England? I, for one, do not accept that excuse.

Another thing I want to mention, for a bit of fun, is the countdown from 50 to 1 of the 2010 FIFA World Cup’s biggest shocks [this appearing on Britain’s BBC 3 show which I’d like to share and see what the people who don’t live in England and haven’t saw this think about it]. This week I count down from 50 to 41.
50: Fabio Capello
The man who would “deliver the World Cup” etc. Against Algeria, he bullied “Phsycho” Stuart Pearce, on the bench, and even moaning at the media for trying to take pictures through the windows of a building before the World Cup matches began.

49: Holland’s “Dirty” football
When you mention ‘World Cup 2010’ and ‘Holland’, people probably won’t remember them for being probably being the best team in the tournament, them beating Brazil 2-1 after being behind 0-1 behind, beating Uruguay 3-2 in a fantastic semi final or Gio van Bronckhorst’s fantastic goal vs Uruguay. Instead, they’ll be remembered for their so called “dirty football”, against Brazil in some tackles and the final vs Spain.

I personally think their tactics vs Spain were spot on. They stopped Spain playing and even had chances to win the final with Arjen Robben having 2 fantastic chances to score. If Holland had of won, they’d have easily deserved it.

48: Joachim Low [Germany Manager]
Joachim Low eating his own bogey from his nose. He didn’t half pick it well, then proceeds to roll it up a bit, then eats it. It shows that some people never grow up.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocT4O27onec

47: Diego Maradona’s charismatic nature
Diego was back and as energetic as always, despite finding a few extra pounds on his weight from those burgers, and drugs *cough* *cough*. Be it from hugging his players when they score or enter the field, to being asked by the English press if he had a thing for his players and him perhaps learning this as a player, his affection for others, the question being a joke, and Maradona ,then opening his eyes like he was possessed when asked, responding by saying he has a wife and kids and he only likes women haha.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA5fH7Xw9wI

46: Theo Walcott
Despite not going to the World Cup, he is still in this list, the media thinking Walcott should have gone to the World Cup. I would’ve agreed, had he not been injured for 3-4 months, getting back from injury about March/April and then having a torrid end of season. If he was on form, then yeah, he should definitely have gone. If I’d have known Rooney would’ve been that shit, I’d have moaned that Walcott should’ve gone instead of Rooney beforehand.

45: Ivory Coast’s Emanuel Eboue
Classic clip from the World Cup, where the North Korea manager is talking to one of his players and Emanuel Eboue stands near to them, listening in, and then having the cheak to nod his head, agreeing and walking off. Priceless!
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LFZJIm3mD0

44: Ray Domenech

It was a torrid campaign for the French and they refused to train after the Anelka debacle, the fitness coach had an argument with Evra and left the training pitch. Ray Domenech then had to read out a letter from the team about why they wouldn’t train, ultimate shame for Domenech. What made things worse for Domenech was when he refused to shake hands with the South African coach when France were beaten 2-1 in the final game and knocked out and sent home.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBQJPkyLPPA

43: Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo was being talked up as bringing Portugal to new heights, how they were so wrong. The one thing Ronaldo will be remembered for is, not his goals, his spit at the camera when Portugal were beaten 1-0 by Spain. He told the camera man to back off, he never, so Ronaldo, being the dirty bastard he is, spat at him. Don’t worry Ronaldo, you can bag a winner with a prostitute.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L010TGqCVs

42: ITV HD missing England’s first goal vs America
‘ITV HD: See everything in the highest quality’, including the World Cup shows sponsor advert instead of England’s goal.. Poor by ITV, this being the second time they have done this when someone scores in a big game, they done it in 2009, too, when Gosling scored for Everton vs Liverpool in the FA Cup 3rd Round replay in the 118th minute.
Link for England missed goal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjghz--qSMU
Link for Everton’s [almost] missed goal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGCw0UjYR1I&feature=related

41: South Africa score the first goal of the World Cup on home soil
A great start for South Africa in the first World Cup held in Africa. Tshabalala putting South Africa ahead with a fantastic goal. They went on to draw 1-1 with the Mexican’s.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEJwrVHR06I&feature=related [I chose this version because the commentary makes the goal so much more special].

Number's 40 - 31 next week.

The silly Yanks believe that American Football [Gridiron] is better than Rugby. Let’s just say “What the fuck are you yanks playing at?” I’ll call ‘American football’ Gridiron from now, as that’s what we call it as it’s not technically football, you don’t kick the ball much. Gridiron, a game where fat people run at each other in armour, wait, in armour? Which faggots play sports in armour? Oh yeah, that’s it, Americans!... Don’t give me the “oh they’re keeping safe”, Rugby uses no armour whatsoever apart from a cup to cover their bollocks, that’s it. Put a Gridiron player against a Rugby player, and the Rugby player will outrun and outmuscle a Gridiron player. In Gridiron, it’s a stop/start game, hence why they look healthy, because they’re always having breaks, in Rugby it’s non stop unless there is a blood injury or a broken bone, like football. There was an old story where the British offered the Americans a game of Rugby vs Gridiron, where the British used what they wore in Rugby and Americans what they wore in Gridiron and they’d have a half of Rugby and 2 quarters [or whatever half the time of Gridiron is] and see who won, and the American’s refused because they were too scared. Rugby beats any sport the American can think of, it’s almost [and I mean almost] as good as football.

Finally this week, Big Brother is FINALLY off our TV, finally, finally, finally! What a shit program that is, twats who want fame on TV by being dumped in a house for 3 months. The only way we’d get great entertainment from that show is if we put all the government in that house and throw away the key! Finally it’s gone.

Sorry for the delay in the blog, but all is back to normal now. Comments by anyone are welcome and please try to be friendly haha.