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Wednesday 2 June 2010

Political Correctness

Rant Blog: [02/06/2010]

Political Correctness:

Well where do I start with this crap? We hear about it all the time and it’s one of the most annoying things ever created. It’s changed a lot of things that I was taught when I was younger “Ba Ba Black Sheep” now has to be called “Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep” or you now have to call a Blackboard a Chalkboard!

I don’t know about you, but anyone who even thinks that these were racist in any single way, needs a long hard look at themselves. If they were looking at every detail to do with racism, why don’t they actually look at the word racism. You say the ‘rac’ part as ‘race’, so are these people implying that black people, or Muslims, or any other culture is a race? Last time I checked, they are the same humans as us, but with different coloured skin and different beliefs. I wouldn’t call that a race. I know you could say we’re a “race of humans” but that would include everyone, and quite clearly if a black person, or a Muslim, or anyone else who isn’t white, said something to a white person, most likely nothing will happen. Just like if a boy goes to the Police and reports being raped, the Police wouldn’t give a crap.

Which brings me nicely on to the Police. Now then, what twats these people are! Every time you walk past them, they give you them eyes that try and make you feel guilty, as if you’ve just mugged an old person. They will stop you if you’re driving whilst on the phone, but they won’t give a shit if you’ve been battered by a gang or you’ve just been mugged. No, it means they have to do a lot of paperwork! If you have a bag on you too and you’re in a Train station, they act so fucking suspicious if they’re there. A few years back I was stopped in Bankhall Train Station [for those of you living in Liverpool] for a bag check. They thought the bag looked and sounded suspicious. They opened it only to find a PS2 and a few games. I walked off to the sound of “We were just making sure”, yeah ok!

There was an incident in court a few years ago, where a factory was being sued. The background to the story is that it was late at night and a factory had its lights off and a man broke into the factory but fell through the roof and into the factory, falling on a desk and a few boxes. He broke multiple bones and took the case to court. He was suing them because they had no lights off and couldn’t see. The obvious defence to that was he shouldn’t have been there. He actually won the case and won a few thousand pounds as compensation. Now I don’t know about you, but that is bollocks!

We all remember the bullshit story about Pubs “banning England tops” for the World Cup because it could offend other cultures, a law I wouldn’t stick to anyway even if it was brought in. That was obviously bullshit, and was work that stemmed from “that shitty paper” and it was all overhyped just because 1 pub in the midlands was ‘advised’ to not have England tops viewable in the pub because of the high numbers of non-British people there. There is a new story now, and this one is true and was published in the Daily Mirror and Liverpool ECHO, where bin men have been banned from having anything to do with England on their vans, and they even had to sign contracts saying they won’t do it. If they do, they’ll be suspended. The reason? It might “block the driver’s view”. Now I don’t know about you but:

1) Everyone has tax discs on their cars, and that doesn’t distract anyone (apart from Police who go “Ooh let’s check his tax for fun!”) so even a small sticker wouldn’t hurt.

2) It’s not going to get in the way, especially with the size of the windows on a bin van.

3) Does this include the windows on the doors? If so, that is pathetic.

4) And finally, is this another cover up so we don’t “offend other cultures”?

Personally, I think it’s the last option. Another way to stop us from having fun. If I went to, say, Algeria, or South Africa, or Germany or any of the other 31 teams involved in the World Cup this summer, I would not be bothered in any way of seeing them fly their flag in their country. It’s like we’re being punished for being patriotic. We’re English and we should be proud of it! Link for this story at the bottom of this article. Also, one council has banned toys from being put on the front of bin vans in case “a child runs in front of the vehicle to grab one”.. Ridiculous!

Taxi drivers in Kent have been told they could be suspended if they fly the flag! The reason for this one is “it could confuse people as to whether it’s a public service vehicle, or if it’s just another car”. I think they are trying to call us stupid if I’m honest.

A few other cases of ‘Political Correctness Gone Mad’ is:

- ‘Ward Sisters’ now have to be called ‘Ward Managers’ to equally reflect men and women in the role.

- Police have been told to use the word ‘Gay’ and ‘Straight’ rather than ‘Homosexual’ and ‘Heterosexual’ and to not use the words “Youngster” or “Child” as it might cause offence.

- Dennis the Menace has had a major overhaul as well. Gone is the name ‘Menace’ along with his catapult, water pistol and pea shooter, all replaced by a boyish grin. (Reminds me of the Simpsons, where Marge forces the producers of ‘Itchy & Scratchy’ to make it more suitable for kids) it’s not the same.

- ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’ is now politically incorrect, thanks to the ‘Dwarf’ reference. ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, too, has been hit by the PC Brigade, because she walks through the woods alone. Surely part of the message behind the story is to not walk in the woods alone?

- Anything with the prefix or suffix ‘man’ [e.g fireman, cameraman, manhole, manmade] are now all Politically Incorrect.

- We all know of the “Christmas ban” where schools and offices ban the use of Christmas decorations in their offices and schools in case it offends non-Christians. (Yet they can enjoy all of their celebrations whilst ours are being limited... That’s not right in any way!)

- And finally, the term ‘nitty gritty’ is banned because it’s a reference to the days of black slavery.

I could go on and on about this all day, but the main point is that it is all bullshit! It’s a load of crap. Let’s get back to the good old days we’re everything is back to normal and we can celebrate what we want. If it offends other cultures then so what?! If you don’t like it, you know where the airports and Dover is, so fuck off... This is our country and we should be able to do whatever we like. We wouldn’t moan if we were in your country, so you shouldn’t be able to do it here... You love our benefits, but hate our flag? I know, get the fuck out of the country. I’ll gladly walk around in an England kit this summer, fly the flag and even sing ‘Ba Ba Black sheep’ down the road. I’m English and I’m as proud as anyone to say that. Why are we [they!] scared to show any kind of patriotism? Ok, we’re England, and almost every country in the world hates us but so what, but we should be saying “Here we are!” not hiding under a rock. Why don’t we ban all these other culture events then? Why does it have to be ours? I don’t accept that we’re a multicultural country, because we’re not! We’re a predominantly Christian/Protestant country and we should keep it that way. I would be one of the first to stop these Muslims making England a ‘Muslim country’ (there have been threats of that in the past) because (well mainly I don’t agree with the Muslim beliefs) we were brought up as Christians and/or Protestants.

A word about the Burqa’s (Here we go!). Why aren’t they banned in shops and banks like a bike helmet. Do not even say because it’s Muslim law, because it isn’t. That is bullshit! It is not mandatory to wear a Burqa, it is only put there by fussy husbands. So it should be banned from public viewing. All those that condemn my point of view think of this:

A man disguised himself as a woman in a Burqa and managed to steal a jewelry shop. Now! If we banned the Burqa in public places, this wouldn’t happen.

I hate the French (so fucking much!) but I agree with them on banning the Burqa. It’s a piece of clothing that can cause annoyance. I, for one, find it offensive seeing 2 storm troopers pushing a pram up the road. It’s as bad as Michael Jackson covering his kids faces.

That’s all I’m gonna say for this week. Feedback would be nice but more importantly, your points of view. Any suggestions on what next week’s subject could be would be nice.

By Michael Miles.

Links to stories:

England flags banned on wagons:



Teddies banned on wagons:


Robbers that used a Burqa to rob a Jewellers’:


1 comment:

Johanna said...

ooh well have to say this was interesting to read..

Have to agree with you on the flag since you should be proud of your own country!