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Thursday 23 September 2010

Does My Arse Look Big In This Blog?

Rant Blog: [23/09/2010]
Does My Arse Look Big In This Blog?
Firstly, sorry for the no show last week, I was really ill and weren’t really in the mood for anything other than sleep. Normal service is resumed this week, though, with your usual crap talking, nonsense speaking, non-racist chanting fun! Secondly, onto this week’s blog.

I start this week with a question. What the bloody be-Jesus is going on with Liverpool? A dull 0-0 with Birmingham 2 weeks ago in an absolute disastrous display, followed by a 4-1 win over a pub team at home, followed by a 3-2 bollocking by Howard Webb’s, I mean er, Fergie’s Man Utd, a game in which Man Utd should definitely had at least 1 player sent off, and then humiliated last night by Northampton Town at HOME...

How did John O’Shea not get sent off for Man Utd on his challenge on Torres? He was the last man.. Surely a red card... Also, Nani should’ve been sent off for his persistent, and blatantly fucking obvious, diving. I see Fergie was quick to attack Torres for him trying to get O’Shea sent off but refused to say about Nani’s diving. Nani was a fucking disgrace on that pitch. Why Howard Webb never sent him off I’ll never know. Where did he think he was...? The World Cup final?

Not to be one to miss out on the obvious, what the bloody hell is going on with Fernando Torres? I’m not one to believe in this “he’s had no support” crap, he’s had many times on the ball where you look back on the old Torres and you think “he’d have buried that”, what’s happened now? All of a sudden we’ve been dumped with his fat cousin or something and the real Torres is having a “session” with David Villa at Barcelona or something?

Uncle Woy needs to drop the unworkable 4-2-3-1 and go more attacking, especially at home against teams like West Brom. 4-4-2 will work the trick, drop Lucas and Poulsen and throw Raul Meireles in the middle with Stevie with Ryan Babel up with Torres. Why Babel isn’t getting a look in properly I’ll never know. Another thing is to tell Carragher to stop hitting the ball up long, time and time again I see him do it and we’ve never won the ball nor posed an attacking threat through it... We need the ball on the floor in possession, rather than up long towards our front line who will never, ever get it nor ever look like getting it. Is there anything you don’t like about the way Liverpool play or anything you want to praise them about, comments below.

Moving on to the next part of the countdown of the 2010 World Cup’s Most Shocking Moments, on the last blog we mentioned numbers 50 to 41. They were:
50) Fabio Capello.
49) Holland’s “Dirty” Football.
48) Joachim Low.
47) Diego Maradona [His charismatic side].
46) Theo Walcott.
45) Emanuel Eboue.
44) Ray Domenech.
43) Cristiano Ronaldo.
42) ITV HD.
41) South Africa’s first goal.

I would move on to 40 to 31 but I seem to have lost the list and can’t find it online... It’s a mistake on my behalf and I’ll try and see if I can recover it in the next few days. I reformatted my laptop so I lost everything. Normal service on this will, hopefully, be resumed next week.

We move onto the business of the Muslims again, this week. The bastards are back and, what a surprise, they’re doing something ridiculous again. A religion of PEACE?! Ok, not when you see that a band of them, naming themselves ‘Muslims Against Crusades”, were protesting at the Pope at the weekend. Although I’m not a fan of the Pope, nor the £20m it cost us, the tax payer, [instead of the Church who should’ve took this money from their own pockets] to see him come over here, to attack another religion is ridiculous. Now, no one give me the “Muslim is a peaceful religion”, don’t try and fill my brain with bollocks, I won’t be mind fucked as the Muslims themselves have been. I see past the lies of them bastards and they’re bums just trying to take over the world, yet we know it won’t happen, I’ll have more luck punching Allah and Mohamed in the face than that happening. Chants of “Watch your back Pope Benedict”, “Worship Allah” and “We’ll free the lands of evil” all shout out to me that these are desperate people in a desperate religion which is seeking attention so badly that it is trying to flog a dead donkey as a healthy horse. Islam will soon be like Latin, dead.

I was happy to see that the French government have finally got round to banning the Burka. This is the one and only time I’ll ever envy the French in what they do. This government needs to take note and do the same. We shouldn’t be scared of this as it won’t make us racist, it’ll just tell the world that we’re a catholic/protestant country and we will stick to that. Don’t give me this “We’re a multi cultural country” crap, bollocks to that, we’re Christians and always will be. We really need to take the bull by the horns on this one and ban what I believe to be the ugliest thing created since Victoria Beckham. Ban the fucking thing and be done with it, make us all happy. I have no time for the silly looking thing and refuse to accept that people can wear that in a bank and yet we can’t wear a bike helmet, it’s the same liability, so why the difference? I also always wondered why we can’t have a white man’s award, like the Mobo’s but for white people, and then I remembered that we’d be called racist. Yeah ok.. By the way, remember the guy, the Pastor, who said he’d burn the Koran on 9/11? Yeah.. Well what about the guy who declared an “International Burn An American Flag” day. Link below!

Also, Britain has 17 times MORE Sharia law courts than first thought. 85! That’s 85 more than there should be! Why are we allowing this when we have our OWN law system? They live in this country so they live by OUR rules, not their own.

Finally this week, new laws in driving could mean that people aged 25 and below who pass their test could still be banned from driving at night. Also, they’ll be banned from having people 25 and below in their cars until they have experience of driving. Ridiculous idea, surely the idea would be to learn to drive as we do know or suffer the consequences later. This government needs its priorities sorting out [Kicking out Muslims > Silly Driving Laws].

That’s your lot this week, I’ll try and sort out the countdown thing and see where we get with that next week. Comments below as usual.

“National Burn An American Flag” Day:
http://anjemchoudary.com/ [link a tiny bit down the page]

Britain has 17 times more Sharia Law courts than it thought:

Friday 10 September 2010

“Does this blog make me look fat?” blog

Rant Blog: [10/09/2010]
“Does this blog make me look fat?” blog
Well sorry for not having a blog for over 2 weeks, I’ve been busy sorting out college and other things at home. After seeing the last blog’s [dare I say it] success, I thought I’d bring things back down to earth this week whilst still doing my promised bumper issue to make up for the no show last week. With that being said, let’s move onto this weeks blog.

Firstly this week, after England beat Bulgaria 4-0 and Switzerland 3-1 [showing Spain how it’s done], the media is still on Fabio Capello’s back. Why?! Oh wait, they still haven’t got over the World Cup, that’s why. It’s over, it’s been over for weeks, and even so, it weren’t Mr Cap’s [my new name for him maybe?] fault, it was the “London Mafia’s” fault, namely being John Terry and, partly, Frank Lampard’s fault. Be it from Terry spouting lies to the media about the team after the Algeria game to him and Lampard being jealous of Stevie G for being captain. It was a Lampard and Terry vs Gerrard and Carragher situation, and I know which pair I’d rather have in my team. Moving on from that, Capello has taken the blame for the disappointing campaign, despite it not all being his fault, and yet he still wasn’t respected for that. He has came out in the last week or so saying he will step down after Euro 2012 and an English manager will replace him [English managers tending to be shit... Oh dear]. At the time of him being appointed, he was [and still is] the best coach in the world.

After the Switzerland game, he said that Terry, Lampard and Ferdinand will all have to try extremely well to get back into the team, any other coach would shit themselves and say “oh no, these three have to be in the team”, no, no they don’t. I don’t want any of them three to ever play for England again. Rooney should also be dropped until he wants to play for England and be replaced by Crouch. Milner should be dropped as he is a winger who can’t cross a ball and Joe Cole should start in his place. If we use this philosophy, we can win Euro 2012 [call me hopeful, but our team is far too good not to be considered contenders if we play like we usually do]. If the media don’t stalk the team in tournaments every single minute of the day then we might not flop.

There was discussion of Mikel Arteta potentially playing for England because he has played in England for 5 years and not represented Spain [his nation of birth]. UEFA [mainly Michael Platini, surprise surprise, he hates the English!] were quick to dismiss this saying something like “he never had a British passport when he represented the Spain Youth Team” or something like that. Ok, let’s look at other national teams who have had the same situation and been let off to do it, Portugal with Brazilian born Deco and Germany with Polish born strikers Lukas Podolski and Marislov Klose and Brazilian born Cacau. Discrimination against the English again I feel, anyway, I feel that England would suffer if a non-English player played for them and I want England to remain English with English players as this is the point of your national team, not finding loopholes to have other players in your squad. Manuel Almunia is another player who can potentially play for England but hell no, fuck that, I would never trust him in goal for England. Joe Hart all the way!

Moving on from Mr Caps, I want to say one word to all you fake Spanish supporters: “HAHAHAHAHA!” Simply because you support the Spanish because you claim “you support them because you like them”, no you’re basically supporting them for one/two reason/s. These reasons being either:
a) You want to shag one [or eleven!] of their players. Namely Fernando Torres, Sergio Ramos, Iker Casillas, Bojan, David Villa etc.
b) You’re basically glory hunting, supporting them because they won Euro 2008 and then the World Cup 2010 [which they didn’t deserve].

The poor Spanish were rolled 4-1 by Argentina, showing they're an overrated, average team.

What’s wrong with people supporting their own national team or one of their family? I can’t accept “oh because England disappoints”, didn’t Spain do that every single time before 2008? They were one of the favourites for every tournament they entered and yet failed to produce, just like England? I, for one, do not accept that excuse.

Another thing I want to mention, for a bit of fun, is the countdown from 50 to 1 of the 2010 FIFA World Cup’s biggest shocks [this appearing on Britain’s BBC 3 show which I’d like to share and see what the people who don’t live in England and haven’t saw this think about it]. This week I count down from 50 to 41.
50: Fabio Capello
The man who would “deliver the World Cup” etc. Against Algeria, he bullied “Phsycho” Stuart Pearce, on the bench, and even moaning at the media for trying to take pictures through the windows of a building before the World Cup matches began.

49: Holland’s “Dirty” football
When you mention ‘World Cup 2010’ and ‘Holland’, people probably won’t remember them for being probably being the best team in the tournament, them beating Brazil 2-1 after being behind 0-1 behind, beating Uruguay 3-2 in a fantastic semi final or Gio van Bronckhorst’s fantastic goal vs Uruguay. Instead, they’ll be remembered for their so called “dirty football”, against Brazil in some tackles and the final vs Spain.

I personally think their tactics vs Spain were spot on. They stopped Spain playing and even had chances to win the final with Arjen Robben having 2 fantastic chances to score. If Holland had of won, they’d have easily deserved it.

48: Joachim Low [Germany Manager]
Joachim Low eating his own bogey from his nose. He didn’t half pick it well, then proceeds to roll it up a bit, then eats it. It shows that some people never grow up.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocT4O27onec

47: Diego Maradona’s charismatic nature
Diego was back and as energetic as always, despite finding a few extra pounds on his weight from those burgers, and drugs *cough* *cough*. Be it from hugging his players when they score or enter the field, to being asked by the English press if he had a thing for his players and him perhaps learning this as a player, his affection for others, the question being a joke, and Maradona ,then opening his eyes like he was possessed when asked, responding by saying he has a wife and kids and he only likes women haha.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA5fH7Xw9wI

46: Theo Walcott
Despite not going to the World Cup, he is still in this list, the media thinking Walcott should have gone to the World Cup. I would’ve agreed, had he not been injured for 3-4 months, getting back from injury about March/April and then having a torrid end of season. If he was on form, then yeah, he should definitely have gone. If I’d have known Rooney would’ve been that shit, I’d have moaned that Walcott should’ve gone instead of Rooney beforehand.

45: Ivory Coast’s Emanuel Eboue
Classic clip from the World Cup, where the North Korea manager is talking to one of his players and Emanuel Eboue stands near to them, listening in, and then having the cheak to nod his head, agreeing and walking off. Priceless!
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LFZJIm3mD0

44: Ray Domenech

It was a torrid campaign for the French and they refused to train after the Anelka debacle, the fitness coach had an argument with Evra and left the training pitch. Ray Domenech then had to read out a letter from the team about why they wouldn’t train, ultimate shame for Domenech. What made things worse for Domenech was when he refused to shake hands with the South African coach when France were beaten 2-1 in the final game and knocked out and sent home.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBQJPkyLPPA

43: Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo was being talked up as bringing Portugal to new heights, how they were so wrong. The one thing Ronaldo will be remembered for is, not his goals, his spit at the camera when Portugal were beaten 1-0 by Spain. He told the camera man to back off, he never, so Ronaldo, being the dirty bastard he is, spat at him. Don’t worry Ronaldo, you can bag a winner with a prostitute.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L010TGqCVs

42: ITV HD missing England’s first goal vs America
‘ITV HD: See everything in the highest quality’, including the World Cup shows sponsor advert instead of England’s goal.. Poor by ITV, this being the second time they have done this when someone scores in a big game, they done it in 2009, too, when Gosling scored for Everton vs Liverpool in the FA Cup 3rd Round replay in the 118th minute.
Link for England missed goal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjghz--qSMU
Link for Everton’s [almost] missed goal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGCw0UjYR1I&feature=related

41: South Africa score the first goal of the World Cup on home soil
A great start for South Africa in the first World Cup held in Africa. Tshabalala putting South Africa ahead with a fantastic goal. They went on to draw 1-1 with the Mexican’s.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEJwrVHR06I&feature=related [I chose this version because the commentary makes the goal so much more special].

Number's 40 - 31 next week.

The silly Yanks believe that American Football [Gridiron] is better than Rugby. Let’s just say “What the fuck are you yanks playing at?” I’ll call ‘American football’ Gridiron from now, as that’s what we call it as it’s not technically football, you don’t kick the ball much. Gridiron, a game where fat people run at each other in armour, wait, in armour? Which faggots play sports in armour? Oh yeah, that’s it, Americans!... Don’t give me the “oh they’re keeping safe”, Rugby uses no armour whatsoever apart from a cup to cover their bollocks, that’s it. Put a Gridiron player against a Rugby player, and the Rugby player will outrun and outmuscle a Gridiron player. In Gridiron, it’s a stop/start game, hence why they look healthy, because they’re always having breaks, in Rugby it’s non stop unless there is a blood injury or a broken bone, like football. There was an old story where the British offered the Americans a game of Rugby vs Gridiron, where the British used what they wore in Rugby and Americans what they wore in Gridiron and they’d have a half of Rugby and 2 quarters [or whatever half the time of Gridiron is] and see who won, and the American’s refused because they were too scared. Rugby beats any sport the American can think of, it’s almost [and I mean almost] as good as football.

Finally this week, Big Brother is FINALLY off our TV, finally, finally, finally! What a shit program that is, twats who want fame on TV by being dumped in a house for 3 months. The only way we’d get great entertainment from that show is if we put all the government in that house and throw away the key! Finally it’s gone.

Sorry for the delay in the blog, but all is back to normal now. Comments by anyone are welcome and please try to be friendly haha.