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Thursday 15 July 2010

Health Rant

Rant Blog: [15/07/2010]


Just so everyone knows, I’m changing the day that I out my blog up weekly, from a Wednesday to a Thursday, mainly because things always seem to crop up on a Wednesday which gives me no time to do this and so it ends up being late and, as nothing ever happens on a Thursday, it’s better to do it then. I’m off to Wales on Sunday and won’t be back until Wednesday, once again my Wednesday’s being filled up. Thursday is the new blog day. Anyway, onto this week’s blog.

This week I’m on about health and why we should ignore the government and eat whatever we want and not whatever we’re told to eat.

We’ve been told that we should eat a healthy balanced meal, we should eat 5 fruit and veg a day and many more crap talk they come out with. That’s all good and well, until studies come out showing that 5 fruit and veg a day makes hardly any difference to anyone getting cancer than the next person, about 3% less chance which, for putting that much effort into having 5 a day, is a very minute difference. Link for this story below.

Why are girls so intent on being as skinny as a stick insect? A bit of wind blows and they fly over, see them in heels and it’s like a clown crossing a tight rope, rather embarrassing for them. Also, it’s rather terrible that some girls hardly eat just because they want the “perfect figure”, well let’s just say this, there is NO such thing as a perfect figure. What might look good to some might look terrible to others. I, for one, am no fan of skinny girls so I wouldn’t call it perfect. Some girls even go a day without eating so they stay skinny [yes it’s true], I can’t even go 30 minutes without eating and, no, I’m not fat, no where near it.

I think these days; people are more scared of what others think about them than what they think about themselves. Why should you worry about others if you’re happy with yourself? It’s ludicrous, anyway, moving on.

I agree with exercise, as that does help your body. I think this is the only thing I agree with if I’m honest. Government come out with these “health tips” as if they’re saying “do this or you WILL die next week”. You can tell the government is just playing silly buggers as they come out and say ‘chocolate is unhealthy for you’, then it is healthy, then it isn’t and then it is. Change your minds more; by the way, they have decided it is now good for you [as long as you don’t go overboard].

Something I found outlines the [potentially deadly] risks people take with these healthy eating, skinny making diets. It may not be true but it gave me food for thought. It was a “Top 10 Healthy Weight Loss Diet Lies from People That We Trusted”, the first point outlined that heart attacks [the second highest killer after medical mistakes] is a new problem related to healthy “weight loss” diets. The second point was fluoride is [not] good for you. The third point is about the Sun being “deadly” for you. The fourth point is whether the flu vaccine is actually good for you. The fifth point is saying “it doesn’t work” [make of it what you will, link at the bottom]. The sixth point is the “it can kill you” lie. The seventh point is the “cancer” lie. The eighth, ninth and tenth points are about the milk processing lie, sterile conditions lie and soybean lie. I do not necessarily say I agree with them or say they’re true, but it’s well worth a read and some food for thought. For stuff like this, I only had to put into Google ‘healthy eating lies’ and plenty of information relating to myths and lies all came up, may not be true but it is giving you something to think about.

All I can say now is it is your life and no one else’s, and live it like you want to live it, no one else. This is your life and you do with it what you want.

I know this weeks is quite short [some people might like that after my last two have been rather long haha] but the link I have given you [if you choose to look at it] will fill up a bit of your time too and if you Google what I mentioned above there will be a rather lot to see [potentially frightening]. I’m yet to decide what next week’s subject is so suggestions would be appreciated.


Fruit and Veg does not significantly reduce cancer: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7559168/Five-fruit-and-veg-a-day-does-not-significantly-reduce-cancer-risk-research.html

The 10 lies we’re told about healthy eating link:



Loula said...

hey mickey!!! as always is delightfull to read what's on your mind I have a lot of fun even though sometimes I dont think the same, (you know when) but I am glad that you have THE METABOLISM and you dont need to eat a bunch of fruits like me haha

Johanna said...

Well you should eat what you feel for :) and you gotta love big mac <3