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Thursday 22 July 2010

Week In General!

Rant Blog: [22/07/2010]

The Week In General:

Well I’ll start with the G20 assault by the Police on Ian Tomlinson, who died a few minutes later, last year. The policeman who done this was PC Simon Harwood. I’ll post the link below but I still can’t believe the policeman has gotten away with just a suspension, but might be struck off [from his job I assume] and it was said "After a thorough and careful review of the evidence, the CPS (the Crown Prosecution Service) has decided that there is no realistic prospect of a conviction against the police officer in question for any offence arising from the matter investigated and that no charges should be brought against him.” Now then, I don’t know about you but if that was you or me, we’d have been banged up in jail for at least aggravated assault. The guy was doing no harm whatsoever and yet he was hit by a baton, pushed over and [shortly before this happened] bitten by a dog. You can make your own conclusions as the clip of the assault will be at the end of this blog.

Next on the agenda is the decision of the government to not ban the Burka, despite Syria [a Muslim country in itself] deciding to ban it themselves? Why aren’t we banning it? I won’t go on about it as I’ve had a previous blog on about this but just to think, if a Muslim country will do it, why not us? It causes trouble.

David Cameron is back in the news again and [once again] not for the right reasons. He called Great Britain the “Junior Partner” in World War II vs the Nazi’s despite America not coming into the war until 1941. The quote from him was:

"I think it's important in life to speak as it is, and the fact is that we are a very effective partner of the US, but we are the junior partner," the PM told Sky News.

"We were the junior partner in 1940 when we were fighting the Nazis."

You prick, you’re meant to be a bum boy from Oxford University and you don’t even know your basic history. Besides, even though we’re much smaller than America, we’re much bigger than America in many ways!

Another story this week is that of the police targeting white British people much more than other ethnic minorities. White Christian Britons are being unfairly targeted compared with minority groups for committing hate crimes, a new report says. This shows our police are targeting us more than others, the political correctness brigade is out again, I think. One reason why they say this is happening is to “balance out the books” on who is targeted more.

A part I’d like to quote from the piece I’ve found [link below] is this:

It claims “there is evidence of biased application of the law”, citing the case of a Muslim man who sprayed the words “Islam will dominate the world – Osama is on his way” and “Kill Gordon Brown” on a war memorial in Burton-Upon-Trent. He was prosecuted for criminal damage – “that is neither a racially nor a religiously aggravated offence”.

The CPS had argued that “the defacing the memorial did not attach to any particular racial or religious group” despite the fact that the monument was “a Christian and British memorial, carrying Christian and British symbols.

"People who read the story found themselves thinking that, if a non-Muslim had defaced a Muslim building the system would have thrown the book at him".

This compared with a Christian couple in Liverpool, Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang, who were prosecuted and then cleared last December of a religiously aggravated hate crime after a strongly worded discussion with a Muslim guest at their hotel about the relative merits of their respective religions.

Nick Griffin [leader of the British National Party] has been told he can’t go to a Buckingham Palace party because “he might take advantage in a political way”. Although I don’t agree with his policies [not in any way], I agree that he should be allowed to go as he is an MEP and has a role in politics as leader of a party.

The new government are set to stop 24/7 pubs too, to try and bring down binge drinking. Forgetting there is a 24/7 ASDA so you can just go there and buy drinks instead.

Also, yet more troops have died in Afghanistan, the number of British troops that have been killed in this ridiculous, American war now stands at about 216.

Just a small point on sport, I’m made up Liverpool have managed to sign Joe Cole on a free transfer and Danny Wilson for an initial £2m fee [possibly rising to £5m depending on appearances]. Despite everyone saying Joe Cole will have the famous number 7 and will he follow in the footsteps of Kevin Keegan and co. He will wear the number 10 shirt.

The enquiry into the Hillsborough disaster will still go ahead. There were fears the new government might not go ahead with it, but they now will.

And finally! The cat seen in old Coronation Street opening titles that died 10 years ago, has had it’s ashes sold for £850 in auction.

Next week, my blog will be all about whatever people want me to answer and/or clear up my views on. Any questions, please ask them to me as soon as possible.


Police target White Christian British people more than Ethnic minorities:


Police assault on Ian Tomlinson:



Lou said...

All these stories makes me wonder why the UK has to be like this, c'mon it's the First World and this thing about being political correct is afecting you, If Syria ban the burka why UK doesn't, but I guess is just another contradiction of this world we live in jajaja, and David Cameron ughhh junior partner I think he has a junior brain in case he has it...
Joe Cole Welcomeeee, Hope times for Anfield!!!

Milesy2010 said...

I'll pass on the Hitler comment thanks xD

We will never be the "Junior Partner" to America. Never! This PC Brigade can do a runner too.
Joe Cole, Liverpool's number 10! ^_^

Johanna said...

Seems like the police is shit there :<