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Thursday 29 July 2010

Random Rant!

Rant Blog: [29/07/2010]

Random Rant:

Well just to start off by saying I changed my mind on what this week’s blog will be about simply because I am going home and only have a short time to right this week’s blog. If you do have any questions that you’d like me to answer, you know how to contact me and I’ll answer them next week. I’ll be going home until next Wednesday [4th August] so any questions or any comments you leave me won’t be answered until then. Now that’s been explained, let’s get onto this week’s blog!

I’ll start off with the news that our dickhead Prime Minister [David Cameron to the rest of the world] has backed Turkey’s bid to join the EU after his first visit there as PM. What might happen if they join you ask? Well, other than they might do what the Polish do and take all the unwanted jobs, I don’t know. I fail to see what the advantages of them joining the EU are. Also, would this mean that Turkey will be an all European country? Or will it just be the west of Turkey is still European whilst the East is still Asia? As you know, Turkey is part European and part Asian, though they play in European qualifiers and club competitions in football. You can be as angry as you want, Cameron, about their slow negotiations for Turkey joining, but I still want to see advantages of Turkey joining the EU, perhaps cheaper flights there but that is all. Turkey’s close connections with Iran [who are continuing their “sensitive nuclear work”] have not helped them in the slightest.

Moving on from that, after watching Inception this week and thinking “oh my god what a film”, I was wondering: What is your favourite film and why? I’m not saying Inception is my favourite film, but it is easily up there. Also, what is the worst film you’ve ever saw? Sorry but I’m throwing the Dark Knight in this, simply as it has no real fight scene at the end, what you’d expect to see in a Batman film.

Moving onto football for a few minutes and to the question of “are we made of money?” I know, for one, I’m not. Not in this day and age. Football was a working mans game, until money got out of control. I, for one, don’t like this “if you don’t go to the match, you’re not a real fan”. I would go, but I don’t have £600-700 a year on me to blow on a season ticket, even then that’s just 19 home games and first choice tickets on other games, that’s not including paying £50~ for going to Old Trafford. Single tickets to matches have gone up this year too. At Anfield, it now costs £45~ for a ticket in the Kop End, and even goes up to £47.50 in other places. I can’t afford to go to games assuming I have no job, only go to College and my dad doesn’t earn enough to throw away on 90 minutes of football. I prefer to live and be able to live with the money I have, than scrap around to live whilst watching a team week in week out. Also, the waiting list, if I went on it now, I might get one by about 2018.

Finally this week, has anyone ever heard of the channel ‘Primetime’? I assume it’s only in the UK, but that is the channel that Liverpool are on tonight against Rabotnicki in their first UEFA Europa League qualifier. It’s only on Sky [channel 480] and, even after paying for the Sky package, you have to pay an extra £4.99, from what I’ve been told, to watch it on that channel [the only channel the match is on]. It’s all become a joke! Anyway, good luck to the kids that will [inevitably] be playing tonight!

That’s all this week as I’ve only had a short time to do the blog. Normal service will resume next week and don’t forget to send me your questions. I’ll be back next Wednesday 4th August. Don’t miss me too much ^_^


Johanna said...

I have to say that Terminator 2 is the best movie i have seen...

As for EU i don't want turkey in it but i have my own reasons....

about the football games =/ every channel in sweden that shows PL and them is pay channel..

But when we go to see our football teams live we pay around € 20

Milesy2010 said...

So cheap in Sweden. €20 is nothing compared to our prices.

I was never a fan of the Terminators, so that would be in the worst films category for me.

Turkey, I still don't know the benefits of having them in the EU.

All PL games here are Pay Per View as well.

Lou said...

On Turkey biding to join EU, as an student of european economy jajaja that migh not be possible, even though Turkey has been raising its hand since the 60's, it would be like a lot of people joining and would be the 2nd most populated countrty after Germany. I wouldn't like them to join, it is true that EU is THE EXAMPLE of Integration and a role model for the rest of the world but you can be open to everybody jajaja cause if you do, believe in me, I'd be raising my hand too LOL. Yesterday I finally watched Inception and I loved it!! a lot of things to comment!!. I liked the dark knight but yes it is a batman movie, but Nolan is a genius!!, bad movies I have a lot ;)

Johanna said...

Well we can get our tickets for € 5 too i saw today xD lucky us here in sweden...

well sucks that they are on pay per view =/