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Friday 27 August 2010

Women Rant

Rant Blog: [26/08/2010]
Women Rant:
After last week’s football-engrossed blog, this week I have a subject that some people [probably males] will find funny, whilst the women will probably get a cob on and bitch to me about how they’re not like the stereotypical woman. Let’s be honest, ALL women are the same! This being said onto today’s blog.

I say this because all women are similar in so many ways... The main similarity with women is the bitching... I’ve not known one woman to not bitch over something, no matter how small it is, all women do it. The most comical one being: “OH MY GOD! Oh my word... Oh my fucking word... There are two spoons in the knife compartment!” Yes, I’ve actually heard someone say that, no word of a lie. They bitch about anything and everything, it’s true. It could be the smallest thing in the world and they’ll bitch. Men sit down and don’t give a shit. Here’s a scenario: If the TV fell off the stand and broke. A man’s reaction would probably be “oh, we’ll just buy a new one in the morning”, a woman’s response? Along the lines of “oh my fucking god, how are we gonna pay for this? I wanted new shoes, a new dress, a new pair of earrings and a new diet” [forgetting a new straight jacket sometimes too].

Women, also, tend to overreact far too easily, too much, all the time. You’d almost think they were passionate over having a moan at why there are unwashed plates in the sink. Women even have conversations without you which are quite unique, they talk to you and then either say a response back to themselves [which they assume we’d say [but never would]] or they’ll keep talking as if you did answer... It would be fun to see how a woman’s mind worked, full of list of things to do, shopping and how to wreck your head for a 10th consecutive day. Have you ever saw a woman’s reaction when they see the smallest crumb in the world on the carpet? Fuck, they hit the roof! It’s like North Korea have just set a bomb off or Michael Owen has agreed to play for Liverpool in Carragher’ testimonial [oh wait, one of them is going to happen, the other might do as well]...

I also hate the way women moan at us [males] for our “bad habits”. I’m sorry, but if women think they’re perfect and never do any “bad habits” then more fool them... I’m not just talking about picking your nose or having a farting contest with your son, I’m on about things like the shit they watch on TV or the shit they read... Women moan over us watching football too much on TV, I’d say I watch about 5-6 hours of football a week, but compare that to a woman... They watch hours and hours of shit TV shows every day [Eastenders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Gossip Girl, Twilight [ok, that’s a film but oh well], The Bill and many more shit]! Another thing is throughout the day, you ask them ‘are you ok?’, 99/100 they’ll say I’m fine and then, just as you’re about to sleep in bed, they go on and on about how they’re feeling, right as you’re about to have a good sleep... Why?! We’ve been asking you all day..

Another, major(!), habit of women is to never compliment another women, yet instead they choose to nitpick over them to make themselves look better, from things like weight to hairstyle. Only a woman could notice that a woman’s purse doesn’t match her shoes and make it sound as if the world is going to end at any given moment. If you even mention another woman’s name who she doesn’t even know [could be a co-worker at work, a friend of a friend or a long lost relative], they’ll tense up and act as if you’re the bad person and that all of a sudden something is going on. You think of the same to them and they flip a lid and start pulling out the stocks to deny it.

Women, remember this one! Males are no good at helping a woman crying on their shoulder... Women cry over all sorts, sad films, happy films, breaking a nail, bad haircuts, the lot! If it’s anything we suck at, we suck at that! If you’re gonna cry, at least make it worth it! Don’t cry over every little thing.
“Give women the ammunition and they’ll shoot you”, good advice this. This meaning that anything you ask them, will probably lead them off into a 45 minute ramble. If we ask them ‘how was your day?’ they’ll ramble on and on for ages. We only want to know if it was ok, that’s all. It’s not that we don’t care it’s just that we don’t want to know about every last bit of detail.

The biggest, most annoying, most energy draining habit they do is SHOPPING! Yes, that 8 letter word... If I could suggest one thing that would give you an idea of how hell is like, shopping would be that... For most women, there are not enough hours in the year, never mind the week, to fit in how much shopping they want to do. They sit there admiring everything, even down to how good the price tag looks [which to me is horrifying as they never go for the cheap stuff, always this “name” product where you’re paying 80% money towards the logo on the piece of clothing rather than the clothing itself].

Women think they’re god’s gift too... Have you saw a man on an iron board? Holy fuck... They take forever to get all the creases out.. A woman does it and it takes 2 seconds and it’s done, waiting to be worn, acting like it’s just been mugged.. Also, what’s this about women can multitask? Ok, they can... But they’re still no better than a man at it.. A man will do one job at a time and do it well, women will do 10 jobs at once and never finish them or they finish them but not very well, or get pissed off and tell you to do it.

All in all, women are the most confusing things on the planet.. How their minds work I’ll never know...

Moving on a bit to Liverpool and their disastrous display, despite getting the result, last night. Uncle Woy, certainly must start to wonder why he doesn’t start Ryan Babel... As soon as he came on last night, he set up a goal with his first touch of the ball. Against Man City, he came on and ran at City’s defenders and forced Joe Hart into a good save about 2 minutes after he came on. He is lethal and has done more than Torres and N’Gog. Don’t tell me about N’Gog’s 4 goals in 6 games, I don’t give a damn. 3 of them were against a pub team, and he is offside at least a million times a game. Torres just hasn’t done anything and looks less than a third of the player we had, if he is like this for the rest of the season [which I highly doubt, given a few more weeks] then I’ll be extremely gutted we never took then £50m+ being spouted about in the papers.

Also, why have you let Aquilani go on loan to Juventus? Yet, have the likes of Lucas playing, still. Aquilani is very talented and shown that in his hand full of games last season, yet is still being called a flop despite not having many chances, which is very unfair. We’ve basically given Alberto away and got Poulsen in who is looking sluggish. I hope to god Mascherano leaves, in all honesty, as not playing for Liverpool [who he is still under contract with and should play to that contract until it expires or he leaves] against Man City was a total disrespect to Liverpool. Why didn’t he play? You can’t get cup-tied or anything by playing in the league and your excuse of ‘my family can’t adapt to living in England’ doesn’t cut it with me. If they can’t cope in England then how do you know they’ll cope in Spain or Italy? If you was going back to Argentina then fair enough, but no, we all know you want to go to Inter or Barcelona, it’s the worst kept secret in football at the moment.

I still have the utmost confidence in Roy Hodgson and firmly believe he will be a success at the club.

My prediction for the game against against West Brom is:
Liverpool 4-0 West Brom. [at least]
We need a good, firm win with lots of goals to get confidence and West Brom have come at the best time, especially at home, Scott Carson looks terrible and Chelsea have already run riot against them, it’s a must win for Liverpool.
Thanks for reading, need a subject for next week so suggestions needed. Comments below.

Thursday 19 August 2010

I have no name for this blog blog

Rant Blog: [19/08/2010]

“I have no name for this blog” blog:

Just to start off by saying [about last week’s topic] to look at the comments section in last week’s blog, it shows you examples of why I feel so strongly about what I say. From things from St. George and his flag being “anti-Muslim” to “20 things you must know about Islam”. Interesting read I’m sure you’ll agree. Anyway, onto this week’s blog.

I’ll start off this week by talking about the level of goalkeeping that was on show in the opening weekend of the Premier League last weekend. The league kicked off with Tottenham vs Man City with Joe Hart having a game to remember it seems. I doubt he will have a better game than that, all sounds good for the new England number 1. Pulling off fantastic saves that even Pepe Reina would be proud of. Then we get to the games after that and we see a whole host of goalkeeping howlers that would make Robert Green’s mistake against the USA look like it was intended. Tim Howard gifted Blackburn a goal which will make America think twice about giving shit about howlers [No you never beat us you silly bastards, you drew 1-1, you never “won 1-1”, silly uneducated people, gotta love karma]. Then we get to Chris Kirkland and his comical [well the whole team was comical in all honesty] display and I still will never know how Blackpool’s 4th goal went in, a keeper being beaten at his near post like that needs to be shot.

The later 5:30 kick off between Chelsea and West Brom saw Scott Carson, who was once though of as England’s future number 1 keeper (remember that?) [other such keepers in this bracket included Richard Wright, Chris Kirkland and even Stuart Taylor a few years ago] have a day he will want to forget forever! Chelsea’s first goal, he fumbled with the ball like it was a hot piece of coal and the second goal [not all his fault] the wall broke apart and he was beaten at his near post.

Now I move onto the comedic Arsenal goal in which [if you haven’t saw it already] was quite funny but at the same time guttering as we was minutes away from starting off with a win in the league. There was a comment from a person, not someone I know, who claimed he should have been shot for what he done, but let’s not forget that, although this may be a biased opinion [but I’ll back it up soon], he is the best keeper in the world, if not then definitely one of them. You can say to me “oh but look at Iker Casillas, Gianluigi Buffon, Petr Cech, Edwin van der Sar, Shay Given, Jussi Jaaskelainen etc” but give me a choice of which keeper I would want to have in my team, I’d choose Pepe Reina any day of the year.

My point for saying why I choose Reina is this; Casillas is not the keeper everyone makes him out to be, he used to be, sure, but not now. Look at him in the World Cup, flapping around and costing his team goals [remember Spain 0-1 Switzerland?] and even his home town, Madrid, had a vote in who should play in goal and 97% said they prefer Pepe Reina. Also, look at Real Madrid’s team, no wonder he keeps so many clean sheets because the team is the best compared to the rest of the league [apart from Barcelona] due to the Spanish league being a poor league apart from the 2 major teams, Villarreal and Valencia are not as good as they once were.

Other keepers like Petr Cech, Buffon and co. well... Petr Cech has not been good in the slightest since he got that knock on his head [and still won’t take that Rugby cap off], Gianluigi is too old and not as good as he was in his prime... Shay Given is fantastic but I would still rate him second best to Reina. Joe Hart needs to improve his distribution to be in contention. Van der Sar is far too old to even think about. Any other keepers I may not have mentioned please name below on the comment section below.

Look at the amounts of times Reina has saved Liverpool’s arse, especially last season. Best penalty stopper in the world and was breaking Liverpool records when he came here and he only cost £7m [one of Rafa’s [few] great signings]. I’ll link something videos below to prove what I mean.

Gutted about my prediction last weekend [Liverpool 2-1 Arsenal] being wrong but I was majorly happy [as I said I would be last week] with the draw but gutted in the way we conceded the goal.

Moving on to a few games [for the Xbox 360 [and PS3 too]] with it being Gamescon week that I’d like to mention and recommend to people, starting with Gears of War 3 and the final piece in the Gears of War trilogy. The graphics look fantastic, a new game mode called Beast mode which looks fantastic and even female gears! The game is out in April 2011 on Xbox 360 only.

Another game I’m looking forward to [call me a fanboy if you wish] is Dragonball: Raging Blast 2. It includes 90 characters, new fighting arenas, 20 new characters from RB 1, 6 new characters that have never been on a DB game before and a newly animated 30 minute movie, previously called the “lost episode” as it’s never been dubbed in English before.

PES 2011 is another game I’m looking forward to as well. New licenses include the Copa Libertadores and the UEFA Super Cup, adding onto the already claimed licenses for the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League. Anfield looks set to not be in the game, Liverpool FC have lost their license, but there is now no more limited saving space [preciously limited by PES save slot] and now only limited to the size of your hard drive. The Stadium Creator looks immense and I’m increasingly pleased [in a laughing way] at the extra content on the game, look at the latest trailer at the end for it [link below] to see what I mean. Move over FIFA, you’re still second best.

The last thing I have to say, really, now is how I think Liverpool will get on, starting with tonight [and the news that Ryan Babel starts up front, watch him roll the goals in!]. My predictions:

Liverpool 4-0 Trabzonspor

Man City 1-3 Liverpool

Yes I’m hopeful but I truly believe Roy Hodgson has made a huge difference now, just unfortunate that Joe Cole got himself sent off despite his tackle not being as bad as Jack Wilshire’s on Javier Mascherano and another tackle which I actually can’t remember now, I think it was Tomas Rosicky.

Links to things stated above:

Pepe Reina player of the year 2009/10 video [look back on his fantastic performance last season]:


Reina’s best saves:


Anymore on Pepe Reina, just YouTube him.

PES 2011 New trailer [well worth a watch!]:


That’s all for this week. Feel free to comment.

Saturday 14 August 2010

Immigrant blog

Rant Blog: [14/07/2010]

Immigrant Rant:

Sorry about the blog being late but I’ve felt a bit sick in the last day or two. This week I touch on, what some people may think, is a sensitive subject but something I want to, and was bound to, talk about. If you’re not easily offended, read on, if you are, perhaps read on anyway, although I won’t be offending anyone who doesn’t come under this category, so although I might be attacking a certain group of people, don’t automatically assume I’m saying it’s you unless I personally say names. If you think you’re being offended, then the only person offending you is yourself. Anyway, moving on to this week’s blog.

I talk, this week, about the subject about immigration and the way a certain group of people try and change this country to suit them. This group of people are a group of Muslims. This does NOT mean all Muslims, to think that would be pathetic. I just mean the certain few who rally up and march for what they want and cause pain and suffering for something which is nothing more than a religion, a belief!

Now, I don’t mind them coming over here, by all means, I’m not as narrow minded as the British National Party, but what I do not want is them changing the way we live. They’ve come into this country with, what seems to be, a list of demands. We want Sharia Law, we want a free house, we want a job and we want free money. No, no, no! We can’t demand this, so you shouldn’t be able to either.

People might say “oh but they’re looking for a better standard of living”. Ok, imagine this: Imagine, let’s say, Pakistan is in a strong economical position like Britain and Britain is in the same position as Pakistan, yet both countries keep the laws they have now. We go over to Pakistan and do the same as they do here, take jobs, houses, money, we’d basically be told to fuck off.

Why are they so adamant to get their own way? I’ll tell you why, because they’re the new type of Nazi’s. They want the whole world to be like them. The whole world to follow this Muhammad dude. I, for one, will never, ever be a Muslim.

Why do we let these people get away with what they do? They march, they riot, they bomb. Why are these people allowed to stay in the country? They adopt East London as their own. It’s not! It’s ours! They say things like “What are you doing in a Muslim only area?” FUCK YOU! This is our area! If anything, what are you doing in our area? They have Muslim only banks, Muslim only buses, Muslim only schools... Ridiculous... If we done that, we’d be called racists. Why is our government full of shit houses? Sort it out!

They say they come over here and do the jobs that no one wants, well at this moment in time, people here would take any job. Give the British people priority with everything! When people come over here, don’t give them a house straight away, if they have no family here to live with, it’s tough, they have to stay where they can, like we do. We have to wait years sometimes for a house whilst these bastards get a house that is paid for by us, the tax payer! Like when a Somali asylum seeker family was given a £2m house after he complained his 5 bed house was in a “poor area”. He has since been kicked out thankfully. Full story link below.

I’ve saw videos on YouTube, including a news report from CNN, have shown how much Muslims want to change this country, including threats of more violence if they don’t get their way. Their belief that anyone who isn’t Muslim is a “worthless and valueless dog”, why are we letting these people stay in this country? Their belief that Muhammad rules everyone, that everyone should respect him, nonsense. Jews don’t go around telling you what to do, Catholics don’t go around making you believe in Jesus, who are Muslims to go round, threatening violence, and tell us who to believe in.

They’re making threats that Islam will take over the world, no it won’t. It won’t even take over England. The way a Muslim, Tohseef Shah, defaced a British War Memorial was disgusting and yet our shit house prosecution service decided he wasn’t racially motivated despite writing the words “Islam will dominate the world - Osama is on his way” and threatening to kill our Prime Minister [at the time, Gordon Brown]. How can you say he wasn’t racially motivated? Surely the words ‘Islam’ and ‘dominate’ tell you something. I’d have thrown him out the country for that. If that is not evidence of racial hate then what is?

There was a news story, 2 weeks or so ago, that told of 9 men abducting a non-Muslim 14 year old girl and forcing her into prostitution for their own benefits. Is this what we want in this, or any other, country? Muslim people can just think they can rape non-Muslim people because they’re “worthless and valueless” to them. Maybe they rape under age girls because their beloved Muhammad married a 9 year old, I don’t know. It’s ok them raping and/or abusing non-Muslim women but it’s not ok for us to look at their wives without them being covered in bed sheets.

Which brings me on to another point and it is of that pathetic burqa covering. Why oh why have we not banned this? If Syria, a Muslim country, can do it then we must do it too, otherwise let me walk into a bank with a bike helmet on or let me walk into a shop with a hood on. The problems this burqa, and I’m talking about the covering over the face more than anything else, is astonishing. A man robbed a jewellery store with one on, on CCTV you can’t identify the person. It’s an absolute sham wearing one. It’s not even part of Muslim belief, it’s a silly Islam rule and it is not religious in any way. If I ever have a shop, I would ban having a burqa on and I would be proud of having that rule because, if I never, it would cause me problems.

I’d like to move onto the point of Muslims wanting to bring in Sharia Law. The cutting off of your hand if you rob, no thanks, that’s like some sick, sadistic law. The segregation of men and women, that’s just sad, what’s wrong with having men and women together? What... You think a mass orgy might kick off or something? Rather sad... Freedom of speech is also limited, included criticism of Muhammad [I’d be fucked on that one] and is punishable by death. Gay/lesbian affairs are also prohibited. Ok, I’m straight myself but I don’t agree with banning gay/lesbian affairs as it is one’s choice as to who they like. If someone likes another person of the same sex, who cares? It’s their private life.

Finally, before I give you a few links to videos that might interest you, a new law has been brought in, absolutely fucking ridiculously, by the government that has allowed Muslim men with more than 1 wife [which is pathetically allowed in their religion] can gain benefits for each wife they have. A Muslim with 4 spouses could receive up to £10,000 a year on income support alone.

A few links to YouTube that might interest you now:



If nothing, please look at this one above.

Radical Islam in Britain:


Another interesting watch.

Finally, I’ll give a prediction on tomorrow’s Liverpool vs Arsenal game just because I can. I would be happy with a draw, but I’ll stick my neck out for a 2-1 Liverpool victory.

Links to stories above:

9 Muslim men abduct 14 year old girl... forced into prostitution:


Muslim defaces British War Memorial [and gets away lightly]:


The Somalian seeker moaning about 5 bedroom house and moving into £2m house [since been kicked out]:


Muslims with more than 1 wife to claim income support on each wife:


Thursday 5 August 2010

No Name Blog!

Weekly Blog: [05/08/2010]

Guess who is back:

Well after a week away, I was surprised by how many stories you can find to talk about. This week alone I’ve found at least 21 different issues to talk about and I’ll try to talk about them all, at least partially, in today’s blog.

Sorry for all those people who missed me whilst I was away haha. I’m back now, though, and you could say this is a bumper issue blog. Anyway, enough of that, onto today’s blog.

The first issue to raise today is, ofcourse, the issue of the “bid” to buy Liverpol FC from the Chineseman, Kenny Huang. Although, yesterday, he came out and said that no formal bid has been made for Liverpool FC. The news being reported today, on the BBC Sport website, is that the Chinese government has been linked with a move for Liverpool FC.

There is one small issue with this Kenny Huang. Although Liverpool fans are desperate for Liverpool to be sold from the cowboys, we must be careful not to sell to any old person just to get rid of the Americans. This Kenny Huang is reasonably unknown, although he claims he has a rich family behind him. He said he will take the debts from RBS [Royal Bank of Scotland] and pay off the debts, but if we give the debts to someone unknown, who knows what might happen with that debt.

Moving on from that story to another story about Liverpool which was their game vs Rabotnicki last week. Ok, it was mainly the youngsters (taking away the fairly experienced backline) but it wasn’t the best viewing ever. Although, our main team is yet to play a full game together and, ofcourse, everyone is expecting them to play better as we’re sure they will. Rabotnicki fans are also being looked into for “racist” comments about Liverpool’s players. Despite this, we won 2-0 which is all we asked for (not the result, but the win), let’s see how we fair tonight with our bigger players playing.

I’m very happy with the news of us resigning Fabio Aurelio after releasing him (stupidly) at the end of June. Who knows what is going on with Emiliano Insua after his move to Fiorentina fell through due to contract demands. I’m still extremely gutted with selling Benayoun to Chelsea, but what I don’t understand is why we sold him when we had no manager. Surely if we have no manager you shouldn’t be selling players from the team, no matter how big or small they are. Benayoun was easily one of our best players and to just sell him to Chelsea (who, funnily enough, Martin Broughton supports) is a bit mystifying. Joe Cole is more than adequate to cover for his loss, though, and I will go on record now saying he will be the scoop of the summer. It’s not everyday you can buy a player with his quality on a free. Imagine having Joe Cole, Benayoun, Steven Gerrard and Alberto Aquilani behind Fernando Torres. I would mention having Javier Mascherano in the squad but I don’t know what the hell he is doing, if he goes, I’d be demanding £30m for him and I’d kick him out the door with that.

There was rumours a week or so ago about Liverpool being interested in buying Jan Klaas Huntelaar with money plus a Ryan Babel swap. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’d rather keep Ryan Babel. My reasoning being:

- He is quicker;

- He is used to the Premier League;

- Huntelaar is not used to the Premier League;

- Ryan Babel has a lot of potential (most of which has been wasted y Rafa by playing him on the wing).

I keep hearing people saying that Ryan Babel is a flop but think about the amounts of chances he has had and where he has been playing when he has had his chances. He has been mostly playing on the wings. He is a striker! Not a winger. He is playing second fiddle to David N’Gog, what the fuck? Ryan Babel is far better than N’Gog (don’t let N’Gog’s two goals against Rabotnicki blind you). Play Ryan Babel up front and watch him bag the goals. Give him more chances and don’t play him on the wing.

It was brilliant hearing the news that Fernando Torres has said he is staying after having an interview with LFC.tv and I hope he can stay injury free this season.

Bad times for Manchester City as the new Premier League rules say you need to register a 25 man squad on 1st September for the league and Manchester City have 59 senior players. The 25 man team must include 8 players brought up in England for 3 years before their 21st birthday and 4 of them brought up through the Man City rank within the same 3 year time before their 21st birthday. That means only 17 of the big names they have can be registered, whilst they can have as many players under 21 in their team playing as they want.

This weekend, the Npower Leagues (formerly the Coca-Cola leagues but now renamed) kick off and I was thinking to myself “who will be promoted to the Premier League?” It’s a tough decision, but I expect Middlesbrough to push for promotion, Hull City and, perhaps, Bristol City who have acquired David James and have been told they may loan Michael Owen. Portsmouth may be hit by a 20 point deduction due to them being in administration and even owing the local cat money (joke!). What has happened to Portsmouth? About 50 owners in the last 3 years and they can’t even afford the electricity to power their ground. If they lose this court case, they might be forced to disband and Portsmouth FC will die. Sad times.

With England manager Fabio Capello choosing to drop a lot of the flops and old players after a dismal World Cup, it seems like David James, Stephen Warnock, Ledley King [who Capello admitted that he should never have taken to the World Cup], Rob Green, Michael Carrick & Aaron Lennon will all be dropped. Jamie Carragher and Emile Heskey have both retired from international football. Kieran Gibbs and Jack Wilshire. After seeing Wilshire in the Emirates Cup, I’m surprised that Arsene Wenger has said he might not get the game time he wants, although he was fantastic and I hope he gets a place in the England team. Joe Hart is expected to take top spot in goal and Ben Foster might be recalled in the friendly vs Hungary.

Although I hate Harry Redknapp, as I think he is stuck up, arrogant and not very friendly (although I don’t know him in real life), I do agree with him that playing an international friendly 3 days before the Premier League kicks off is ridiculous. A lot of the players have just spent 6 weeks together for the World Cup and are probably sick of seeing each other and they’ve just got back to their clubs for preseason and now they’re off for another international game, after preparing for a few weeks for club duty, and then they come back on Friday. It’s ridiculous and a waste of time. Fabio Capello’s suggestion of having a mid-winter break like the rest of Europe has been rejected, Capello said this was the reason England flopped so much as they was tired after such a gruelling season.

Yesterday was the day Konami lifted the embargo for people to talk about the latest code of PES 2011 and, from what I’ve saw, it looks fantastic. Ok, I say that every year it seems, but this year, I can say right now, it will wipe the floor with FIFA 11. The first thing I looked to find out was whether Liverpool is licensed. Sadly (for Liverpool fans anyway), they aren’t. Manchester United are licensed but no other Premier League teams have been announced as licensed. The UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League are licensed again, rumours of the UEFA Super Cup being licensed are flying around and the Copa Libertadores (the South American version of the UEFA Champions League) is licensed.

The biggest news, though, to come out of this is that there is no stadium editor, as first thought, but there IS a stadium CREATOR. This shall be interesting to look at when the game comes out. The annoying Mark Lawrenson has been replaced by... an annoying Jim Begin. Replace one idiot with another, it makes sense. At least now we have an ITV commentary team, Jon Champion and Jim Beglin. The new menu layout looks awesome, new and refreshing. During the game, from what I’ve saw, the name plates at the bottom are gone, the players names appear above their heads, the power bar appears below their feet and there was no radar, although there probably will be one.

The news this week that Gary Neville has fucked up his £100,000 Mercedes was comical. The idiot put petrol into the car, which is ok, until you realise it’s a diesel car. What a twat!

Moving onto some non-sporting news, “adult entertainment” [basically pole dancing and shit like that] has been banned from being advertised in job centres as women might feel like they’re being “forced” to work there if they can’t find a job. A lot of nonsense.

The idea of the Mosque being built close to Ground Zero has gone ahead and will be done. This is absolutely ridiculous, it’s like putting a Nazi memorabilia shop next to a World War 2 concentration camp, it doesn’t happen! Which twat decided to do this? The sick minded bastards!

A funny story this week is a man is packaging himself to the Edinburgh festival. He is going to get his mates to tape him into a box and pack him onto a delivery van to be delivered to Edinburgh. He will have a drink and a phone with Twitter on to keep him busy and others updated on his travels. Another person is challenging himself by only catching local buses to get there.

This week, David Cameron is thinking of bringing in yet a new law which is anyone living in a council house will be reviewed every 5 years to see if they are allowed to keep their house. Basically, if there is only 1 of you living in a house and you have a 3 bedroom house, you might be told to move to a 1 bedroom accommodation. Basically, moving British people so that immigrants with 20 kids can take our houses, that is another story though. It looks like Cameron is attacking the poor.. Again! Does this mean the Queen has to move out of Buckingham Palace? She doesn’t need that many bedrooms.

And finally, 3 men travelling abroad on RyanAir had to pay £1,135 to transport their 3 violins abroad. Looks like RyanAir are on the fiddle again! Sorry, I couldn’t help the joke xD

Anyway, that is all for this week’s blog. I haven’t quite got through all 21 subjects but I will finish the list off next week. Comments below please and I’m yet to decide on next week’s blog so ideas will be welcome.