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Saturday 14 August 2010

Immigrant blog

Rant Blog: [14/07/2010]

Immigrant Rant:

Sorry about the blog being late but I’ve felt a bit sick in the last day or two. This week I touch on, what some people may think, is a sensitive subject but something I want to, and was bound to, talk about. If you’re not easily offended, read on, if you are, perhaps read on anyway, although I won’t be offending anyone who doesn’t come under this category, so although I might be attacking a certain group of people, don’t automatically assume I’m saying it’s you unless I personally say names. If you think you’re being offended, then the only person offending you is yourself. Anyway, moving on to this week’s blog.

I talk, this week, about the subject about immigration and the way a certain group of people try and change this country to suit them. This group of people are a group of Muslims. This does NOT mean all Muslims, to think that would be pathetic. I just mean the certain few who rally up and march for what they want and cause pain and suffering for something which is nothing more than a religion, a belief!

Now, I don’t mind them coming over here, by all means, I’m not as narrow minded as the British National Party, but what I do not want is them changing the way we live. They’ve come into this country with, what seems to be, a list of demands. We want Sharia Law, we want a free house, we want a job and we want free money. No, no, no! We can’t demand this, so you shouldn’t be able to either.

People might say “oh but they’re looking for a better standard of living”. Ok, imagine this: Imagine, let’s say, Pakistan is in a strong economical position like Britain and Britain is in the same position as Pakistan, yet both countries keep the laws they have now. We go over to Pakistan and do the same as they do here, take jobs, houses, money, we’d basically be told to fuck off.

Why are they so adamant to get their own way? I’ll tell you why, because they’re the new type of Nazi’s. They want the whole world to be like them. The whole world to follow this Muhammad dude. I, for one, will never, ever be a Muslim.

Why do we let these people get away with what they do? They march, they riot, they bomb. Why are these people allowed to stay in the country? They adopt East London as their own. It’s not! It’s ours! They say things like “What are you doing in a Muslim only area?” FUCK YOU! This is our area! If anything, what are you doing in our area? They have Muslim only banks, Muslim only buses, Muslim only schools... Ridiculous... If we done that, we’d be called racists. Why is our government full of shit houses? Sort it out!

They say they come over here and do the jobs that no one wants, well at this moment in time, people here would take any job. Give the British people priority with everything! When people come over here, don’t give them a house straight away, if they have no family here to live with, it’s tough, they have to stay where they can, like we do. We have to wait years sometimes for a house whilst these bastards get a house that is paid for by us, the tax payer! Like when a Somali asylum seeker family was given a £2m house after he complained his 5 bed house was in a “poor area”. He has since been kicked out thankfully. Full story link below.

I’ve saw videos on YouTube, including a news report from CNN, have shown how much Muslims want to change this country, including threats of more violence if they don’t get their way. Their belief that anyone who isn’t Muslim is a “worthless and valueless dog”, why are we letting these people stay in this country? Their belief that Muhammad rules everyone, that everyone should respect him, nonsense. Jews don’t go around telling you what to do, Catholics don’t go around making you believe in Jesus, who are Muslims to go round, threatening violence, and tell us who to believe in.

They’re making threats that Islam will take over the world, no it won’t. It won’t even take over England. The way a Muslim, Tohseef Shah, defaced a British War Memorial was disgusting and yet our shit house prosecution service decided he wasn’t racially motivated despite writing the words “Islam will dominate the world - Osama is on his way” and threatening to kill our Prime Minister [at the time, Gordon Brown]. How can you say he wasn’t racially motivated? Surely the words ‘Islam’ and ‘dominate’ tell you something. I’d have thrown him out the country for that. If that is not evidence of racial hate then what is?

There was a news story, 2 weeks or so ago, that told of 9 men abducting a non-Muslim 14 year old girl and forcing her into prostitution for their own benefits. Is this what we want in this, or any other, country? Muslim people can just think they can rape non-Muslim people because they’re “worthless and valueless” to them. Maybe they rape under age girls because their beloved Muhammad married a 9 year old, I don’t know. It’s ok them raping and/or abusing non-Muslim women but it’s not ok for us to look at their wives without them being covered in bed sheets.

Which brings me on to another point and it is of that pathetic burqa covering. Why oh why have we not banned this? If Syria, a Muslim country, can do it then we must do it too, otherwise let me walk into a bank with a bike helmet on or let me walk into a shop with a hood on. The problems this burqa, and I’m talking about the covering over the face more than anything else, is astonishing. A man robbed a jewellery store with one on, on CCTV you can’t identify the person. It’s an absolute sham wearing one. It’s not even part of Muslim belief, it’s a silly Islam rule and it is not religious in any way. If I ever have a shop, I would ban having a burqa on and I would be proud of having that rule because, if I never, it would cause me problems.

I’d like to move onto the point of Muslims wanting to bring in Sharia Law. The cutting off of your hand if you rob, no thanks, that’s like some sick, sadistic law. The segregation of men and women, that’s just sad, what’s wrong with having men and women together? What... You think a mass orgy might kick off or something? Rather sad... Freedom of speech is also limited, included criticism of Muhammad [I’d be fucked on that one] and is punishable by death. Gay/lesbian affairs are also prohibited. Ok, I’m straight myself but I don’t agree with banning gay/lesbian affairs as it is one’s choice as to who they like. If someone likes another person of the same sex, who cares? It’s their private life.

Finally, before I give you a few links to videos that might interest you, a new law has been brought in, absolutely fucking ridiculously, by the government that has allowed Muslim men with more than 1 wife [which is pathetically allowed in their religion] can gain benefits for each wife they have. A Muslim with 4 spouses could receive up to £10,000 a year on income support alone.

A few links to YouTube that might interest you now:



If nothing, please look at this one above.

Radical Islam in Britain:


Another interesting watch.

Finally, I’ll give a prediction on tomorrow’s Liverpool vs Arsenal game just because I can. I would be happy with a draw, but I’ll stick my neck out for a 2-1 Liverpool victory.

Links to stories above:

9 Muslim men abduct 14 year old girl... forced into prostitution:


Muslim defaces British War Memorial [and gets away lightly]:


The Somalian seeker moaning about 5 bedroom house and moving into £2m house [since been kicked out]:


Muslims with more than 1 wife to claim income support on each wife:



Lou said...

thesea are good examples when you take your so called religion so far, fanatism is bad and you have to adapt, respect and love the land or country that is receiving you!

Lou said...

Exactly, well said and if they think they're the best why do they animald did that to that girl... awful

Milesy2010 said...

That was a disgrace.. I've heard that Muslim people consider non-Muslims to be "worthless and valueless".

Anonymous said...

Their "Magic Friend" had many wives, one of them was Jew, he raped her [well "slept"] and in the same night he killed her husband, father, brothers and took everything from them.


Milesy2010 said...

"Islam in a man is as dangerous as hydrophobia (rabies) in a dog." - Winston Churchill. I'll remember this classic quote.

Mo [Yes I can call him that if I like] was a warlord tyrant. Treacherous and evil.

Something I'd like to show you too:

Milesy2010 said...

I would also recommend:

Read the comments at the bottom..
Or if you can't be arsed, at least press ctrl + f [Find] and paste this in:
4/14/1972 USA New York, NY 1 3 Ten members of a local mosque phone in a false alarm and then ambush responding officers, killing one.

And read that small part.

Anonymous said...

I was just reading about this law [Shariah], It's very interesting but shocking!

thank you for the links
i am very interested on this topic.

Milesy2010 said...

I might go on a bit more about it tomorrow.. But only a bit, I have other topics too you know xD

:) said...

I Totally Agree With You Word For Word, I Think Its Ridiculous That People Think Its Racist To Think These Genuine Facts Tbh. Racism Definately Works Both Ways And I Think That They Hate Us More, They Even Admit That, Like You Said, Thats All I Have To Say Anyway :')