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Friday 27 August 2010

Women Rant

Rant Blog: [26/08/2010]
Women Rant:
After last week’s football-engrossed blog, this week I have a subject that some people [probably males] will find funny, whilst the women will probably get a cob on and bitch to me about how they’re not like the stereotypical woman. Let’s be honest, ALL women are the same! This being said onto today’s blog.

I say this because all women are similar in so many ways... The main similarity with women is the bitching... I’ve not known one woman to not bitch over something, no matter how small it is, all women do it. The most comical one being: “OH MY GOD! Oh my word... Oh my fucking word... There are two spoons in the knife compartment!” Yes, I’ve actually heard someone say that, no word of a lie. They bitch about anything and everything, it’s true. It could be the smallest thing in the world and they’ll bitch. Men sit down and don’t give a shit. Here’s a scenario: If the TV fell off the stand and broke. A man’s reaction would probably be “oh, we’ll just buy a new one in the morning”, a woman’s response? Along the lines of “oh my fucking god, how are we gonna pay for this? I wanted new shoes, a new dress, a new pair of earrings and a new diet” [forgetting a new straight jacket sometimes too].

Women, also, tend to overreact far too easily, too much, all the time. You’d almost think they were passionate over having a moan at why there are unwashed plates in the sink. Women even have conversations without you which are quite unique, they talk to you and then either say a response back to themselves [which they assume we’d say [but never would]] or they’ll keep talking as if you did answer... It would be fun to see how a woman’s mind worked, full of list of things to do, shopping and how to wreck your head for a 10th consecutive day. Have you ever saw a woman’s reaction when they see the smallest crumb in the world on the carpet? Fuck, they hit the roof! It’s like North Korea have just set a bomb off or Michael Owen has agreed to play for Liverpool in Carragher’ testimonial [oh wait, one of them is going to happen, the other might do as well]...

I also hate the way women moan at us [males] for our “bad habits”. I’m sorry, but if women think they’re perfect and never do any “bad habits” then more fool them... I’m not just talking about picking your nose or having a farting contest with your son, I’m on about things like the shit they watch on TV or the shit they read... Women moan over us watching football too much on TV, I’d say I watch about 5-6 hours of football a week, but compare that to a woman... They watch hours and hours of shit TV shows every day [Eastenders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Gossip Girl, Twilight [ok, that’s a film but oh well], The Bill and many more shit]! Another thing is throughout the day, you ask them ‘are you ok?’, 99/100 they’ll say I’m fine and then, just as you’re about to sleep in bed, they go on and on about how they’re feeling, right as you’re about to have a good sleep... Why?! We’ve been asking you all day..

Another, major(!), habit of women is to never compliment another women, yet instead they choose to nitpick over them to make themselves look better, from things like weight to hairstyle. Only a woman could notice that a woman’s purse doesn’t match her shoes and make it sound as if the world is going to end at any given moment. If you even mention another woman’s name who she doesn’t even know [could be a co-worker at work, a friend of a friend or a long lost relative], they’ll tense up and act as if you’re the bad person and that all of a sudden something is going on. You think of the same to them and they flip a lid and start pulling out the stocks to deny it.

Women, remember this one! Males are no good at helping a woman crying on their shoulder... Women cry over all sorts, sad films, happy films, breaking a nail, bad haircuts, the lot! If it’s anything we suck at, we suck at that! If you’re gonna cry, at least make it worth it! Don’t cry over every little thing.
“Give women the ammunition and they’ll shoot you”, good advice this. This meaning that anything you ask them, will probably lead them off into a 45 minute ramble. If we ask them ‘how was your day?’ they’ll ramble on and on for ages. We only want to know if it was ok, that’s all. It’s not that we don’t care it’s just that we don’t want to know about every last bit of detail.

The biggest, most annoying, most energy draining habit they do is SHOPPING! Yes, that 8 letter word... If I could suggest one thing that would give you an idea of how hell is like, shopping would be that... For most women, there are not enough hours in the year, never mind the week, to fit in how much shopping they want to do. They sit there admiring everything, even down to how good the price tag looks [which to me is horrifying as they never go for the cheap stuff, always this “name” product where you’re paying 80% money towards the logo on the piece of clothing rather than the clothing itself].

Women think they’re god’s gift too... Have you saw a man on an iron board? Holy fuck... They take forever to get all the creases out.. A woman does it and it takes 2 seconds and it’s done, waiting to be worn, acting like it’s just been mugged.. Also, what’s this about women can multitask? Ok, they can... But they’re still no better than a man at it.. A man will do one job at a time and do it well, women will do 10 jobs at once and never finish them or they finish them but not very well, or get pissed off and tell you to do it.

All in all, women are the most confusing things on the planet.. How their minds work I’ll never know...

Moving on a bit to Liverpool and their disastrous display, despite getting the result, last night. Uncle Woy, certainly must start to wonder why he doesn’t start Ryan Babel... As soon as he came on last night, he set up a goal with his first touch of the ball. Against Man City, he came on and ran at City’s defenders and forced Joe Hart into a good save about 2 minutes after he came on. He is lethal and has done more than Torres and N’Gog. Don’t tell me about N’Gog’s 4 goals in 6 games, I don’t give a damn. 3 of them were against a pub team, and he is offside at least a million times a game. Torres just hasn’t done anything and looks less than a third of the player we had, if he is like this for the rest of the season [which I highly doubt, given a few more weeks] then I’ll be extremely gutted we never took then £50m+ being spouted about in the papers.

Also, why have you let Aquilani go on loan to Juventus? Yet, have the likes of Lucas playing, still. Aquilani is very talented and shown that in his hand full of games last season, yet is still being called a flop despite not having many chances, which is very unfair. We’ve basically given Alberto away and got Poulsen in who is looking sluggish. I hope to god Mascherano leaves, in all honesty, as not playing for Liverpool [who he is still under contract with and should play to that contract until it expires or he leaves] against Man City was a total disrespect to Liverpool. Why didn’t he play? You can’t get cup-tied or anything by playing in the league and your excuse of ‘my family can’t adapt to living in England’ doesn’t cut it with me. If they can’t cope in England then how do you know they’ll cope in Spain or Italy? If you was going back to Argentina then fair enough, but no, we all know you want to go to Inter or Barcelona, it’s the worst kept secret in football at the moment.

I still have the utmost confidence in Roy Hodgson and firmly believe he will be a success at the club.

My prediction for the game against against West Brom is:
Liverpool 4-0 West Brom. [at least]
We need a good, firm win with lots of goals to get confidence and West Brom have come at the best time, especially at home, Scott Carson looks terrible and Chelsea have already run riot against them, it’s a must win for Liverpool.
Thanks for reading, need a subject for next week so suggestions needed. Comments below.


Anonymous said...

Oh my word xD hahahaha
but you forgot many things about women!

Johanna said...

all women doesn't shop and like it... i know plenty that hates shopping...

Anonymous said...

i do not include myself here... i am far different from this... starting from complaining about football... ¬¬ i am always watching sports on tv...
Btw... i hate twighlight ¬¬

Oh and btw... you well know that i compliment women who deserve it ( and oh yes i am sure that doesn't include many of your lovely "friends" or Megan Superbitch Fox or maybe Kim i-am-a-terrible-slut Kardashian. You already know my opinion... if i had to wish to be another woman, i would rather choose a goddess like Doutzen Kroes and not an untalented bitch like Megan ¬¬

I won't even mention the crying topic... because you would be losing another point trust me...

oh btw... Cordero says two things:

1. you are way too chauvinist
2. You have still a lot to learn about the world

*Muah* Always with Love bitch! <3! ;)

Anonymous said...

Babel set up a goal? Really u believe, him passing to someone who then shoots but the keeper saves an then another play taps in the rebound, that's an assist for babel

Milesy2010 said...

It would be nice for names to be put on posts xD Anonymous everywhere..

First commenter: I probably did, but I didn't want to go on..

Johanna: 99% of women love shopping..

Pau: This is a fun topic, nothing to be considered serious xD. I don't like Megan Fox, that's George, and it's a bit harsh having a go at people I talk to, can we not involve others please? Thanks.

I've learnt a lot about the world.. Trust me ^_^

Indeed bitch <3

Last anonymous dude: He got the ball, laid it to another player who played it back to him and Babel ran at the defence [something no one else seems to want to do] and then played it off to Poulsen I think it was and so on.. It was really good play from Babel, despite how "small" you seem to think his contribution was to the goal.

George Quarton said...

"A man will do one job at a time and do it well, women will do 10 jobs at once and never finish them or they finish them but not very well, or get pissed off and tell you to do it."

For this I can disagree. I certainly agree with my mum that my dad starts a job and never finishes it. I can say a lot of men are like that :P

Anonymous said...

why so serious?

Milesy2010 said...

Yeah but at least men do one thing at a time, and do at least a half decent job on it..

Women do ten and never do any of them good.. Have you saw them do a butty whilst doing other things? It turns into something you'd see at the bottom of a fat person's stomach..

It's not serious in the slightest ^_^

Anonymous said...

if it is just a fun topic, why so serious? -.-

Milesy2010 said...

It's not serious ^_^

Anonymous said...

It is not but some people's comments are! -.-

George Quarton said...

WHAT MEGAN FOX? I wouldn't go near her! The toe-thumb would scare me. :<

P.S Sorry for the late response I only just now read the comments (A)

Milesy2010 said...

I know they are.. Harsh..

I wouldn't poke Megan Fox with a barge pole.. Nevermind myself..

Marie said...

Why all this hate against Megan Fox? I think its pathetic to hate or dislike someone you dont know. Why bother thinking about them from the first place? I dont know Megan Fox, I will never get to know her and I just doesnt care.
And about the blogpost, why does everyone keep on taking this seriously? Dont you know a word called sarcasm? And dont you know Mike by now? This is just hillarious, reading all your defences and explanations. Get over it! He is kidding! But I have to say, he got a little point. Not with all of it, but there and there. I thought it was fun and I thought your debate showed his point about women bitching.. Hahahaha! Take a beer and relax, stop taking yourself, others and life so damn seriously. Who cares what other people thinks? You as a women could probably in an instant write such a post about men so why be affended? But i guess im one weird women who is the only one that just doesnt care about what others thinks about me. xD But hey, its really nice to have a life to worry about instead, you should try it. :D

And Mike, keep up the good work, you sure gave me a good laugh today!!

Marie said...

Another thing I think is kind of funny is people who claimes they dont care what other people thinks about them and their oppinion and then chose to be anonymous. Why be anonymous if you are so freespoken and careless what others think of you and your point of view? Its very easy to stand by an oppinion when no one knows who you are. :P I think its kind of contradictory, but that´s just me. Take care folks!

Anonymous said...

hahaha I agree with Marie :D finally someone got it as I did!


Milesy2010 said...

Thanks for the comments Marie =] This was meant to be a fun post and not be taken to heart so much.. Ok, it's a bit stereotypical, but I've saw women who've fell under at least 1 of the examples above.

I don't know why there is so much hate over this, even the subject about Islam got a nicer, more accepted, response than this. Maybe it's women bitching? xD I don't know but it is meant to be fun.

As for the "I don't care" stuff, I don't care if you don't care but I do care about, what can be seen as, attacking other people when it doesn't involve just 1 person, it's about women and nothing more, nothing less. Have fun, read, give an opinion [about the blog preferably] and enjoy. Life's too short to moan.

George Quarton said...

Continuing with the general conception to this whole blog, nothing is serious. This stands with my comments about Megan Fox. She is ofcourse beautiful and we were joking between ourselves (as have done in real life on many occasions) about her thumb. I am not aware if you have seen it or not but it's quite a sight.

There is no hate or dislike here. As you said you can not dislike or hate a person when you don't know them personally. This is something I personally stand very strongly by and I take people for face-value on who they are.

Just my two cents.

Johanna said...

Well i do love to shop my weakness is shoes ^_^ but Michael in the end i don't care if the guys doesn't like it... still it's my money my life ^_^

Marie so true why be anonymous if you don't care...

typical male thing is to moan what we woman do...

Milesy2010 said...

Yeah, no one was attacking Megan Fox, she might have a great personality or bad or whatever, but we're saying amongst ourselves that we don't like her looks, not her in general. That is all.

Anonymous said...

i am anonymous because i don't know how the hell to put my fucking name here... but i dont mind saying i am Pau so you contradiction theory is off :P

Milesy2010 said...

Pau, below this comment section is a box called "Comment as:", change that to Name/URL and then you can put your name.

Anonymous said...

i won't need it anymore Micky don't worry =P

Milesy2010 said...

Won't need what? xD

Marie said...

O my god! I was just kidding! Stop taking everything so damn serious! xD
George, its great if you dont hate her, I really dont care.. Haha!
Pau, good for you, I wasnt speaking about you personally, I was speaking in general, but im happy you learned something new today.
Guys, if what is said about you isnt true, why give a fuck? If someone called me something or claimed I was something Im not, I wouldnt start bitching and arguing because I just doesnt care what people that doesnt know me thinks about me. I just doesnt get the point of it all, why bother when you self and those who cares about you knows the truth? Its just not worth it.

and mike, yeah, women tend to get pretty pissed when someone sais something negative about them, even if its a joke or something that just isnt a big deal. Forget about Hitler and real sick stuff like hunger and starvation, al qaida and such, what´s really pisses women off is to tell jokes about them and keep them from shopping or watch sex and the city. Dont you ever mess with those topics. ;) See you!

Lou! said...

Hahaha I'm gonna start my comment with an OMG hahaha sorry it's a word that stick with me since I'm speaking English, how does this topic has brought a lot of controversy!!!. I fitted in many things you wrote haha, yeah I love shopping and yeah I tend to be intense and then moan haha, but as you said, maybe you'll never get to understand women, that's why a saying goes: don't try tu understand them just love them jajaja Our mind goes like 10 000 mph and when you guys start to figure out what we have first say we are on another issue (yeah naybe all moaning LOL). I didn't know about Megan's thumb HAHAHA, now I won't look at her the same way ha...
Pau Te bancoo totalmente, ya sabes hay gente que solo quiere pelear y tu estas al nivel de Doutzen!!

Milesy2010 said...

See.. Lou is your typical women.. She has the lot, shopping, moaning, doing 50 things at once, even down to thinking men don't understand women.. Oh we do, we know what your day consists of:
Cleaning whilst moaning at the so called dirt;
Crap TV;
Making Food;
Moaning again;
Rambling on about how your day has been just as we're about to get to sleep.

There is much more to it too, but maybe I'll go into it more at a later date. xD

Pau! said...

Graciasss Loulitaaa ;) estas al nivel de Gisele ;)

jajaja... (A) voy a evitar el anonimato para no despertar la furia de las masas xD jajajaj (aunque era muy ovbio que era yo no?) xD


Marie said...

Anger among the masses? hahaha! You guys are killing me!! xD

Pau! said...

Really? i´m glad then xD

Lou! said...

Gracias Pau ya sabes a que nivel no? de Doutzen nada de supermercados, que bueno que agarraron la onda no? uso mi slang para que sea más duro de captar jajaa, a comprarse un bosque!!!

Pau! said...

que mira que sino se pudreee la momia xD ay dios es que tengo tanto miedooooo =P
es que no cazo si se hacen las super maduras pero al mismo tiempo estan meta comentar el blog... no se dan cuenta que no da?? xD

Por Diosss ... no de super yuk xD

Lou! said...

si lo fueran no estarían aquí dando replica a éstas individuas que se parten en ocho!!!!

Johanna said...

typical guy thing is to play games, talk trash about woman... think they are best.. anyway this blog has been fun to read...

Mike keep up with the good work :)

Milesy2010 said...

Trash talk? lmao.. Hardly.. I call this having a joke ^_^ We are the best anyway, without men, women wouldn't know what day it is..

Thanks =]

Johanna said...

you do trash talk us the same way we trash talk you when lads doesn't know about it thats how it works...

Guys are hardly the best anyway women can handle more pain ^_^

No problems you do write good Michael :)

Johanna said...

ooh nope we don't bitch like you say we just having "a joke" as you say ;)

oh we can handle more pain then you guys... Periods Pains erm what can i say about that :| erm sometimes they are a pain in the arse and when i have them i don't eat chocolate :| thats not good at all i puke just of the sound of it....

ooh Michael that was the best joke i have heard in a long time... you work and do the real hard labour HAHAHAHA more HAHAHAHA you don't know what pain is honest ^_^

Marie said...

Men might remember what day it is but that is also the only thing.. all i hear all day is "Marie!! Were do we keep that?!" and "Marie! I cant find this thing and i need it noooow!" He cant do anything without me showing him and give him advices so im not sure how it would work for you guys to be single and all alone..

marie said...

they acually tested on a guy how men would react on period pains.. the tested on a soldier or something that was used to hard pain.. he fainted because of the pain after only a few minutes of what is the nicest kind of period pain. I think all men should do that test.. :D

Johanna said...

Marie guys can't handle that kind of pain honest they would die :|

marie said...

They sure cant..

George Quarton said...

Marie maybe the reason why the man you are talking about can't find anything is because you are the one who places it?

I know with my mum. She will clean something and move it somewhere else. Then finding it is like a mystery.

Don't even get me started on saying men haven't worked hard labour because that statement would be the most ironic statement I've ever heard considering you look at any labour job. The amount of women in those labour jobs? 0.

I'm not too narrow-minded to say that Women can take more pain the Men because it's going to vary MASSIVELY depending on the person.

People can handle pain more than others. It's that simple.

marie said...

George, relax! ;) We are only messing with you because of the joke-post about women. :) Ofcourse people handle things different. We aint just a sex, we are humans, people. Some can take more pain then others, some are easily irritated or got harder to find stuff.. :P I was more talking about that men tend to ask and yell about it before they try finding the thing themselfs. The guy i was talking about doesnt even try to find what he is looking for. But i know women that does that too.

Im not pro any of the sexes because we are both pretty fucked up. We are humans, humans are stupid. Thats just how it is. :) I like kids better because they aint messed up yet. QAnd ofcourse animals.

Milesy2010 said...

Notice the way men only ask for things that you tend to keep in the kitchen? "Love, where's the bread knife?" or something.. That's because women own the kitchen..

Trust me, kids are messed up, "I wonder what happens if I lick a battery?", I've heard it all before xD

Johanna said...

haha thats not even true Michael... Males tend to ask other things too... -.-'

ooh kids are always better then grown ups they do what they feel for and never think about what can happen...

Milesy2010 said...

Ok, where's the pans? Makes sense..

Yeah, that's sometimes not good Jo..

Johanna said...

haha nope but other things like clothes ect

I know xD tend to make dangerous things without knowing that... -.-'

Milesy2010 said...

Yeah, have you seen women put clothes away? They disappear for a fucking week! Or ten..

Don't we know it xD

Johanna said...

We put them in the wardrobe do you know what that is..and they don't disappear for weeks...

ooh well kids will always be kids... ^_^

Milesy2010 said...

Which wardrobe? Women have about 5 fucking million wardrobes.. You can't just say "it's in the wardrobe", which fucking one? And even when you find it, it's under so many clothes and the wardrobes are huge.. It's like a treasure hunt.

Don't we know it..

Johanna said...

ooh yeah we do have so many wardrobes... I think you are just jealous that we have more clothes then you have ^_^ ooh yeah it's easy you have your own wardrobe look in that then...easy thing Michael.. ooh don't you like treasure hunts michael?

Milesy2010 said...

Nope, I don't need much clothes, mainly because I use all mine more than once, unlike women who buy dresses for that one occasion and never use it again.

We do that, but then women take over the wardrobe and men's clothes go elsewhere..

Depends what the prize is at the end.

Johanna said...

ooh that's not true i have used all my clothes more then one time -.-'

nope thats not true.. you have your own and we have our own... easy to remember left male right womans... easy shite..

ooh the prize is that you find your clothes ;)

Milesy2010 said...

Ok, more than twice..

Until the woman buys more clothes she will use once and that's when she invades your space..

Oh wow, very rewarding..

Johanna said...

yeah more then twice too i wear my clothes more then 10 times at least :)

Haha not true i have lots of clothes but still they don't take so much space :) but i can't speak about other girls tho... just for myself...

well what do you want to have as a reward maybe "ooh sweetheart you found your clothes want a kiss for the hard work"

Milesy2010 said...

You mean you look at them more than 10 times and that's it?

You're like the rest of women, space invaders!

Sounds about right!

Johanna said...

well i have lots of clothes :) so i tend to change clothes lots :D but honest i do wear my clothes lots :)

haha ooh i haven't said anything but still i have lets see 3 wardrobes with clothes :) and shoes included there :)

ooh well then you have to find a woman that will give you that Michael a reward for finding the clothes.. xD